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Facilitated by KEYS Academy and Options HS with the ARISE Foundation

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Presentation on theme: "Facilitated by KEYS Academy and Options HS with the ARISE Foundation"— Presentation transcript:

1 Facilitated by KEYS Academy and Options HS with the ARISE Foundation
Thinking Creatively Facilitated by KEYS Academy and Options HS with the ARISE Foundation

2 Objective, Essential Question, and Product
We will identify different things we can do for developing our own self-esteem. EQ: In what ways can a person begin to develop their own self-esteem in order to get away from abusive relationships? I will write something of my own choosing to demonstrate one of the many ways to develop self-esteem.

3 Your Presenter… A member of the
faculty or staff at KEYS Academy or Options HS Internationally Certified in Life Skills through the ARISE Foundation

4 Rules for Training Participation is crucial No wrong/stupid answers
Respect one another No talking while others talk, No rude comments or noises Wait until you’re called upon

5 Why we’re here… Because we have to be
To learn some skills that will carry over into adulthood To learn more about ourselves

6 How we’re going to do it…
Discussion Everyone participates Some, very little lecture Activity or activities Some Conclusions

7 Questions?

8 Ice Breaker What is an ice breaker? Definition of an ice breaker:
An activity used to lighten the mood and or get participants warmed up to the idea of interaction

9 Ice Breaker!!!!

10 Topic of the Day: Thinking Creatively
Is change easy? What kinds of changes have you seen in yourself over time? Why do people change?

11 Topic of the Day: Thinking Creatively (cont.)
Who or what is responsible for the types of changes people go through? What are some of the things people do to go through real change?

12 Change is inevitable… …Do you want to change for the better or do you want to change for the worse?

13 Definition of “Change”
According to Merriam Webster: To make different in some particular way To become different Synonyms include: Redoing Revising Reworking Modification

14 Reasons People Change They are…
Tired or bored with who they are Tired or bored with what they’re doing Their feelings force them to change; for example: Depression Happiness

15 Reasons People Change (cont.)
They want something different for themselves and those around them Any combination of those already mentioned Any others?

16 Activity 1: Name Poem Activity Sheet p. 21
Fill out the spaces on the left (vertically) with your name Fill out the empty spaces with a positive trait you have Volunteers!

17 Activity 2: 50 Tips for Developing Self-Esteem
Activity Sheets p Get creative! Express different ways to develop self-esteem Write a speech Write a poem Develop a skit Draw something! Anything! Get creative Volunteers!

18 Conclusions Is change easy?
NO!!!! Change is the biggest stressor in our lives, especially when it’s unexpected or drastic

19 Conclusions (cont.) Examples of change, positive or negative?
Death of a spouse Marital separation Death of a close family member Injury and Illness Marriage Loss of Job Marital Reconciliation Retirement

20 Conclusions (cont.) Examples of change, positive or negative?
Change in health of a family member Wife/one’s own pregnancy Gain of a new family member Death of a close friend Taking out a mortgage on your home Change in address Vacation Change of personal habits

21 Conclusions (cont.) Can you control change?
Sometimes. You can control some of the things including your behavior (but that can also be difficult) Things you cannot control include: Death Loss of job (because of downsizing, accidents, health, etc.) However, you can try to control how you react to those things

22 Conclusions (cont.) Can people change?
Yes, but they have to want to change themselves Situations and people do not always change a person’s behavior Thinking creatively helps in solving problems

23 Conclusions (cont.) How can people change? Organize themselves
Use different strategies Eliminate negative things in one’s life Focus on the positive things in one’s life Set goals Manage their time in working toward their goals

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