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Changeless God, Changing World

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Presentation on theme: "Changeless God, Changing World"— Presentation transcript:

1 Changeless God, Changing World
2 Pet 3.3-7

2 Views Of The World Evolving – from inanimate process
Changes slowly over vast periods of time God – product of human invention Archaic attempt to explain creation Bible reveals some interesting things about the world – predates science

3 Some Facts Revealed Psm 102.25 – Has a designer
Heb 1.10 – Has a creator Eccl 1.7 – Waters return to same place Psm 8.8 – Paths of the sea Job 26.7 – Hangs Earth on nothing Isa – The circle of the earth Gen 8.22 – Seasons & Day / Night

4 Some Facts Revealed Prov 8.29 – Boundaries of waters
Psm – Changes in the world Eccl 1.6 – The wind and air currents

5 Some Facts About God Psm 33.14 – Looks on inhabitants
Psm 24.1 – Earth is the Lord’s Psm – Dwells on high Rom – The invisible things …

6 A Comparison Psm 102.26 – Shall wax old Psm 102.27 – Thou art the same
Heb 13.8 – Christ the same

7 Finality 2 Pet 3.7 – Earth that now is
2 Thess – Christ shall appear Acts – Commands all

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