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ASKING QUESTIONS (+ question tags)

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Presentation on theme: "ASKING QUESTIONS (+ question tags)"— Presentation transcript:

1 ASKING QUESTIONS (+ question tags)

2 you business here are on are you long staying how for to is first this Lyon your visit involve travelling job does much your you did do what before like what’s it you what do do staying you where are arrive did when you …………..? Yes, I’m here on a sales trip. ……………?I work for a small biotech start-up. ……………?I worked for a large drug company. ……………?Yes, quite a lot. All over Europe. ……………?No, I’ve been here once before. ……………? A couple of days ago. .………….? Just until Friday. ……………? At the Marriot. ……………? Oh, it’s very comfortable here.

3 EXCEPTION Who did you meet at the conference?
Who met you at the airport? Who works there? Who does work there? What happened? What did happen?

4 Add the correct verbs to the following questions.
How things with you? How you do? What your full name and address? How your flight? When you get here? You have a good journey to faculty this morning? Where you staying while you’re here? You got any special reason for learning English? You speak any other languages? How your job going? You got any brothers or sisters? You have a nice holiday? This your first visit to New York? How all your family?

5 How are things with you? How do you do? What is your full name and address? How was your flight? When did you get here? Did you have a good journey to faculty this morning? Where were you staying while you’re here? Have you got any special reason for learning English? Do you speak any other languages? How is your job going? Have you got any brothers or sisters? Did you have a nice holiday? Is this your first visit to New York? How is all your family?

6 Common classroom questions
What does ’eyebrow’ mean? What’s the English for one of these? How do you say in English? What’s the English for......? What’s in English? How do you pronounce this word? How do you spell ’eyebrow’? How do you spell this word/ it? Which page are we on? What’s for homework tonight? Could you say that again, please? Could you repeat that , please Could you write ‘paperclip’ on the board, please? Could you write that on the board, please? Could you speak more slowly, please? Could you step aside, please? Sorry? I beg your pardon?

7 Question tags Request for information (I think it is the case, but I’m asking just in case) To ask for agreement, confirmation (I think it is the case, I just want confirmation) To make offers or suggestions You know him, don’t you? (falling) Let’s have a cup of coffee, shall we? The meeting is at 10 o’clock, isn’t it? (rising)

8 Question tags Request for information (I think it is the case, but I’m asking just in case) The meeting is at 10 o’clock, isn’t it? (rising) To ask for agreement, confirmation (I think it is the case, I just want confirmation) You know him, don’t you? (falling) To make offers or suggestions Let’s have a cup of coffee, shall we?

9 Question tags You were there, weren’t you? She’s Italian, isn’t she?
AFFIRMATIVE MAIN CLAUSE NEGATIVE TAG You were there, weren’t you? She’s Italian, isn’t she? You will stay in touch, won’t you? NEGATIVE MAIN CLAUSE POSITIVE TAG They’re not coming, are they? He wasn’t present, was he? She couldn’t get there, could she?

10 Question tags You agree with me, don’t you? She gave me her number,
MAIN CLAUSE (NO AUXILIARY) BE/DO/HAVE IN TAGS You agree with me, don’t you? She gave me her number, didn’t she? He has an iPod, doesn’t he?

11 Question tags / Irregular tags
I’m late, aren’t I? I am – aren’t I Let’s go to the cinema, shall we? Statements with nothing, nobody, rarely= negative statements Nothing came in the post, did it? After an imperative we use will you? Or won’t you? Sit down, will you? Sit down, won’t you?

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