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What is Mass Hysteria? a condition affecting a group of persons, characterized by collective allusions real or imaginary, through a population or society.

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Presentation on theme: "What is Mass Hysteria? a condition affecting a group of persons, characterized by collective allusions real or imaginary, through a population or society."— Presentation transcript:

1 What is Mass Hysteria? a condition affecting a group of persons, characterized by collective allusions real or imaginary, through a population or society excitement or anxiety, irrational behavior or beliefs, or unexplained symptoms. as a result of rumors and fear


3 R.A.C.E.S. Reword the prompt into a hook or topic sentence. 1 sentence Answer the prompt in 1-2 sentences. Cite evidence using at least 1 direct quote (DQ). 1-2 sentences Explain and analyze evidence (DQ) in your own words. How does the quote answer the prompt? 2-3 sentences S. Sum up in one last concluding sentence. Minimum of 6 sentences per Constructed Response (CR)

4 How does the author develop the theme of mass hysteria in Act 1 of the play?

5 R- Arthur Miller develops the theme of mass hysteria in the beginning of the play, The Crucible.
A – Miller demonstrates mass hysteria when the characters begin gossiping and making up lies in order to put the blame on others. C – For example, in Act I Abigail encourages the girls to go into the woods and dance. Abigail tries to place blame on Tituba by telling Reverend Hale, “she made me do it, she made Betty do it!” (Miller 47). E – Abigail is lying about Tituba and whose idea it was to dance in the woods. Abigail chose Tituba because she is a slave and is from another country. As a result of Abigail’s lies, Tituba confesses and the girls begin pointing fingers and blaming others. S- This encourages the rest of the girls to lie and mass hysteria begins because the girls are trying to get out of the situation without blame.

6 Use the RACE writing strategy to answer the question?
How is the theme of mass hysteria developed in Act 2 of “The Crucible”? Use the RACE writing strategy to answer the question?

7 How is the theme of mass hysteria developed in Act 2 of “The Crucible”?
Use RACES to help create a constructed response to answer the above prompt.

8 How is the theme of mass hysteria developed in Act 2 of “The Crucible”?
Answer the above prompt in 1 full paragraph. Topic/concluding sentence Cite at least 1 quote to support your answer. Yes, you have to put the quote in the paragraph. Use lead-ins when placing your quote in the paragraph. (For example, for instance, Abigail says) Do not forget MLA format when you cite your direct quote~ (Miller 88). Use formal language~ no slang or contractions Should be a minimum of 7 sentences long

9 How does the author demonstrate the theme of vengeance (revenge) in Act 3 of the play?

10 Predilection – a preconceived liking, a preference
Culpability – liability to blame Acrimony – harshness, sharpness in words Inadvertent – accidental, unintentional Mitigate – to make milder or less severe Lethargic – tired, weak Stoic – indifferent to pleasure and pain, brave Cryptic – mysterious, puzzling Laud – to praise Respite – a rest, a pause, a break

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