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Task on Entry I see… I think… I wonder…

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1 Task on Entry I see… I think… I wonder…
Challenge Question: Why do you think members of the KKK dressed this way?

2 How was white domination maintained after slavery ended?
Communication Inquirer Learning Objective: KEY TERMS: Confederacy Amendment Reconstruction Sharecropper White supremacy Ku Klux Klan Suffrage Jim Crow Laws To describe the acts of discrimination, segregation and violence towards Black Americans after slavery ended in 1865. Learning Outcomes: Grade 4 You can give examples of discrimination, segregation and violence towards Black Americans after 1865. Grade 5 You can explain how the lives of Black Americans changed in the period after slavery ended in 1865. Grade 6/7 You can explain why white domination was maintained even after slavery ended.

3 Connect Activity – Quick Fire Challenge
Who can find the answers to following questions first? In what year did the American Civil War end? When was the period of Reconstruction in America? Name three Amendments passed by the US government during the period of reconstruction. How did the Amendments change the law? How many slaves were freed during the period of reconstruction.

4 Activate Activity Activity: Create notes on the following three themes. You may use the worksheet provided. Discrimination Plessy v. Ferguson Segregation Jim Crow Laws Violence The Ku Klux Klan Articles & Websites Videos Plessy V. Ferguson - simple explanation Plessy v. Ferguson

5 Demonstrate How and why was white domination maintained after slavery was ended? Why is the Plessy v. Ferguson case so important? What does it tell us about attitudes towards civil rights in 1896? What does the phrase separate but equal mean?

6 Demonstrate – Question 1b
What is the message conveyed by this source? (2 marks) 5 minutes For this question you get one mark for each relevant point. Support each point with detail from the source.

7 Is historical objectivity possible in the study of Civil Rights?
Consolidate Is historical objectivity possible in the study of Civil Rights?

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