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Ch.18 – Male/Female Reproduction

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1 Ch.18 – Male/Female Reproduction
Lesson 2 - Problems with the Male Reproductive System

2 How does a doctor check for this?
What is it? Occurs when a loop of the intestines pushes through a small hole in the abdominal wall into the scrotum How does a doctor check for this? *cough cough* Inguinal Hernia

3 Inguinal hernias do not fix themselves – surgery is required.
How is it treated? Inguinal hernias do not fix themselves – surgery is required. Inguinal Hernia

4 Testicular Cancer Facts: What is cancer anyway?
Uncontrolled cell growth that invades the surrounding tissue and destroys it Facts: Occurs most commonly in men between the ages of 14 and 40 About 80,000 new cases are diagnosed annually and roughly 360 die of the disease Testicular Cancer

5 Testicular Cancer Facts: EARLY DETECTION
Main risk factor is undescended testes The first sign is a lump or an enlargement of the testis EARLY DETECTION Testicular Self-Examination (TSE) is important for early detection TSE should be performed monthly! (see pg 477) If found early, the cure rate is very high Surgery can correct the problem Testicular Cancer

6 How to Perform a Testicular Self- Exam (TSE)
It's best to do a TSE during or right after a hot shower or bath. The scrotum is most relaxed then, which makes it easier to examine the testicles. When examining each testicle, feel for any lumps or bumps along the front or sides. Lumps may be as small as a piece of rice or a pea. If you notice any swelling, lumps, or changes in the size or color of a testicle, or if you have any pain or achy areas in your groin, let your doctor know right away. Examine one testicle at a time. Use both hands to gently roll each testicle (with slight pressure) between your fingers. Place your thumbs over the top of your testicle, with the index and middle fingers of each hand behind the testicle, and then roll it between your fingers. Lumps or swelling may not be cancer, but they should be checked by your doctor as soon as possible. Testicular cancer is almost always curable if it is caught and treated early. You should be able to feel the epididymis, which feels soft, rope-like, and slightly tender to pressure, and is located at the top of the back part of each testicle. This is a normal lump. Remember that one testicle (usually the right one) is slightly larger than the other for most guys — this is also normal. How to Perform a Testicular Self- Exam (TSE)

7 Lance Armstrong Tom Green Celebrity Survivors

8 When a person is unable to reproduce
Causes: Overheating of the testes Environment (exposure to chemicals) Illness (mumps – glandular illness) Problems with the epididymis, vas deferens or urethra Untreated STI’s What is it? When a person is unable to reproduce Infertility

9 Other Potential Problems
Undescended Testes One or both testes fail to come down from the abdomen into the scrotum Can be corrected by surgery Prostate Cancer Signs: Frequent urination Pain when urinating Blood in urine Lingering pain in back, hips, pelvis Rare in young men Surgical removal of prostate is usually necessary Enlarged Prostate Common in men after middle age Causes pain, discomfort, and difficulty in urination Yearly checks after age 40 May require surgery Other Potential Problems

10 Tips For Health Urologist
A doctor who specializes in diseases of the urinary system Tips For Health

11 Tips For Health Wear protection during athletics Avoid tight clothing
Use care when lifting heavy objects Any signs of pain when urinating, discharge, or sores in genital area should be discussed with a doctor Any unusual lumps should be discussed with a doctor Tips For Health

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