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aBsent Friday? Take a copy from the front table as a “practice.”

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Presentation on theme: "aBsent Friday? Take a copy from the front table as a “practice.”"— Presentation transcript:

1 aBsent Friday? Take a copy from the front table as a “practice.”
Please find your quiz and have a seat – we will finish Friday’s quiz first  aBsent Friday? Take a copy from the front table as a “practice.”

2 Monday, Nov. 7 Today- First 20 minutes:
Finish Friday’s quiz with your partner: Quiz sheets are up on the front table * 5 min. for the caricature * Watch video clip / 5-8 min. for video satire b. Turn in to the tray when done Absent Friday? No worries- grab a quiz sheet and begin

3 Caricature: CHOOSE (1) /5 points
Kim Jong-Un: “Dear Respected Comrade of North Korea”

4 Video /5 points Topic: Gun Control Laws [6:40]
The Daily Show: Jon Stewart shows a journalism piece by John Oliver

5 Indepdendent Work Time
Remainder of the Hour: Indepdendent Work Time Turn in quizzes to the tray on the front table Login to Google Classroom Read this week’s “Weekly Update”  Finish “Inquiry #4” Begin “Inquiry #5”

6 Tuesday, Nov. 8th

7 Type? Direct or Indirect? Criticizing? Implied Solution?
Satire TRUMP Horatian-indirect / no one likes the choices! / get me another “Candidate/cab” / ridicule, sarcasm, humor Type? Direct or Indirect? Criticizing? Implied Solution? Techniques?

8 Today: Read one story together and analyze as a class
Read three stories on your own and analyze –be sure to EXPLAIN your reasoning fully and clearly /10 points for daily, in-class work 

9 Satire: In-class Group Practice
“U.S. to Install Texting Lanes on Highways” Use the five steps to analyze a satire-   Tone Horation/Juvenalian Indirect / Direct What’s being criticized? Solution? Literary devices used?

10 Satire: In-class Group Practice
“U.S. to Install Texting Lanes on Highways” Use the five steps to analyze a satire-   Teasing, humorous, sarcastic, mocking, “mock serious” Indirect – Horatian Commentary on how poorly people are driving, and how dangerous it is, while texting. It’s ridiculous to create a lane – it’s DANGEROUS to text and drive Solution: STOP texting and driving ! You are putting us all at risk every time you do – we need more law enforcement, not a lane! Exaggeration/hyperbole, sarcasm, incongruous juxtaposition – a texting lane on a highway Tone Horation/Juvenalian Indirect / Direct What’s being criticized? Solution? Literary devices used?

11 Satire: Independent Reading #1
“American Airlines Rebrands Loose Seats as ‘Flexiseats’” Use the five steps to analyze a satire-   Tone Horation/Juvenalian Indirect / Direct What’s being criticized? Solution? Literary devices used?

12 Satire: Independent Reading #2
“Hacked Facebook Accounts….” Use the five steps to analyze a satire-   Tone Horation/Juvenalian Indirect / Direct What’s being criticized? Solution? Literary devices used?

13 Satire: Independent Reading #2
“After Bombings, Nation Settles Down ….” Use the five steps to analyze a satire-   Tone Horation/Juvenalian Indirect / Direct What’s being criticized? Solution? Literary devices used?

14 Reminder: RETURN both sheets with the readings!
Turn in your own answer sheet to the front tray! /10 points for daily, in-class work 

15 Place your answer sheets for today’s reading in the front tray 

16 Wednesday, Nov. 9th

17 Satire- Political Cartoons

18 Indepdendent Work Time
Remainder of the Hour: Indepdendent Work Time Read this week’s “Weekly Update”  Finish “Inquiry #4” Begin “Inquiry #5”

19 Thursday, Nov. 10th

20 Horatian Political Cartoons

21 TYPE of SATIRE: Horatian WHAT is being criticized?
TONE: Sarcastic TYPE of SATIRE: Horatian WHAT is being criticized? The cost of higher education IS TOO EXPENSIVE. What is the PURPOSE of the cartoonist? Draw attention to it –implied need for a change to lower it. LITERARY TECHNIQUE/S: Humor S

22 Jot your answers in your notes:
TONE: Sardonic [grimly mocking or cynical TYPE of SATIRE: Horatian WHAT is being criticized? Our gov’t says it’s important but its lack of action shows just the opposite What is the PURPOSE of the cartoonist? To shame the US gov’t into taking action on global warming LITERARY TECHNIQUE/S: irony TONE: TYPE of SATIRE: Horatian WHAT is being criticized? What is the PURPOSE of the cartoonist? LITERARY TECHNIQUE/S: Jot your answers in your notes: S


24 Juvenalian Political Cartoons

25 TONE: Mildly chastizing
TYPE of SATIRE: Juvenalian WHAT is being criticized? The way people waste something [like food] in a whimsical way without seeing that others are desperate for that for survival What is the PURPOSE of the cartoonist? Get people to think before they so thoughtlessly waste commodities others need LITERARY TECHNIQUE/: Juxtaposition/context Banksy #1


27 TONE: Mildly chastising
TYPE of SATIRE: Juvenalian WHAT is being criticized? The way some companies try to hide the fact that they are not complying with industry laws on pollution – they are hiding/camouflaging it . What is the PURPOSE of the cartoonist? The gov’t & the industry needs to do a better job of enforcing the Clean Air Act. LITERARY TECHNIQUE/: irony TONE: TYPE of SATIRE: Horatian WHAT is being criticized? . What is the PURPOSE of the cartoonist? LITERARY TECHNIQUE/

28 Work Day for both Inquiry Slideshows:
Remainder of the Hour: Work Day for both Inquiry Slideshows: Complete Inquiry #4– Due 11/14/16 Work on Inquiry #5 - Due 11/14/16

29 Friday, Nov. 11th

30 Satire: Small Group Quiz /25

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