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Alabama HMA Paperless Ticketing Project

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Presentation on theme: "Alabama HMA Paperless Ticketing Project"— Presentation transcript:

1 Alabama HMA Paperless Ticketing Project
Myles Tatum Midsouth Paving Inc.

2 Paperless Ticketing Project
Special Provision review Description – What and why is this being considered Equipment Used Construction Implementation Data Deliverables – What is required on the tickets Daily Summary – Accessibility of information Our project Lessons Learned

3 ALDOT Special Provision
Section 415 – HMA Electronic Delivery Management System (HMA e-Ticketing) Lump Sum Payment

4 HMA e-Ticketing 415.01 Description
This work shall consist of incorporating a GPS Fleet Management System for all HMA delivered to the project in order to monitor, track, and report loads of HMA during the construction processes from the point of measurement and load-out to the point o incorporation to the project. This work is in addition to the ticket requirements listed in Item (h)2. Purpose is to GPS track and monitor loads

5 HMA e-Ticketing 415.02 Equipment
No fewer than 30 days prior to HMA placement of activities, the Contractor shall submit to the Engineer for approval a GPS Fleet Management System supplier that can provide a qualified representative for on-site technical assistance during the initial setup, pre-construction verifications, and data management and processing as needed during the project to maintain equipment. We chose to use Fleetwatcher.

6 Fleetwatcher Equipment
Portable or Hardwired

7 e-Ticketing Equipment Specs
Contractor shall provide operator settings, user manuals, and required viewing/export software for review, and ensure the equipment will meet the following: Include a device that is capable of GPS tracking of vehicles is installed on all dump trucks, belly dumps, side-load dumps, pavers, materials transfer vehicles, or any other vehicle used, to incorporate HMA in the project. Department personnel shall have the ability to access Real-time monitoring through the use of a state-furnished mobile device such as an iPad, smartphone, etc. Be fully integrated with the Contractor’s Load Read-Out scale system at the HMA plant site. Have the ability to measure and track vehicles and their contents continuously from the plant site to the project site. The system shall have offline capabilities due to loss of power or GPS connectivity. To be considered continuous, no tow data points shall be more than 60 seconds apart unless the vehicle is stopped. Stop times shall be recorded. HMA plants shall have a reliable, stable internet connection

8 Equipment-what it means:
Electronic devices with real-time monitoring should be included on trucks, paving equipment in the HMA process and handheld devices for personnel. The fleet management system must be fully integrated, in our case, with JWS. Continuous (no more than 60 second delay) tracking of tickets and volumes from the plant to the job site. All information should be recorded even in the event of a power failure or GPS tracking. Reliable and stable internet connection. Training will be needed for all users.

9 Considerations Portable devices vs hard wired devices? A decision each company has to make based on equipment. Midsouth does not own their own trucks so transferring portable units to and from each truck can be cumbersome. Once a portable device is in a truck the next step is to pair the device with the truck in Fleetwatcher for tracking to occur. Integration of Fleetwatcher and Midsouth computer programs experienced a few issues getting on line the first night or two in order for e-tickets to work. There is a need for 24 hours serviceability both internally and externally to maintain real time data.

10 Considerations A continuous and stable internet connect is not always possible in rural areas of Alabama. Loss of real-time data has been a problem in those areas with wireless service we have. Verification that software between companies populate the correct field/columns for data export and sorting.

11 415.03 Construction Construction Requirements.
Contractor shall install and operate equipment in accordance with the manufacturer’s specifications. Contractor shall also verify the GPS is working within the requirements of this Developmental Specification. Plainly - It is the contractors responsibility to make sure all equipment is working.

12 Accessible information
Data Deliverables. Contractor shall provide to the Engineer a means in which to gather report summaries by way of iOS apps, web pages, or any other method at the disposal of the Engineer. The Engineer may request data at any time during paving operations. What are data deliverables? Information the Engineer can access for reporting.

13 Data Deliverables Real-Time Continuous Data Items
Provide the Engineer access to a GIS map-based data viewer which displays the following information in real-time with a web-based system compatible with iOS and windows environments. Each Truck: - Name of Contractor and material producer - Project Number and County - Truck Number - Contract item number and item name - Truck Status At Source At Destination At Paver/Mill At Scale In Route Idle Offline - Time of last transmission - Location (Latitude and Longitude in decimal degrees to nearest ) - Net Weight of material being transported (to nearest .01 ton) - Running Daily Total of Net Weight of material being transported Scale Location Project Location Point of Delivery (i.e. paver, material transer vehicle, etc.)

14 Field Mapping Current paper ticket

15 Scale ticket on ipad app
Data mapping continues

16 Scale Ticket Web Based Ticket looks different. All data in columns below and able to sort.

17 Scale Ticket Detail Choose .csv to generate in excel
Proper mapping needed between computer programs

18 Scale Ticket Detail Working on data mapping of pay item

19 Scale Ticket Detail Extended

20 Scale Ticket Detail – excel format
Can export and sort data in excel format if needed.

21 Project Geo-zones Source/Destination Origination

22 Load Cycle Analysis

23 LCA Analysis example Point of unload

24 GPS Location Status Update, Breadcrumb tracking
Truck Status. Breadcrumb shows map.

25 Truck Locating on GIS GPS coordinates, Project Name

26 Data Delivery Action Items
Not all data deliverables [ (b)] populate on the Scale ticket data. GPS coordinates, Truck status, time of last transmission is found in Load Cycle Analysis (LCA). LCA is a tab populated with all delivery data including the destination point. Data is stored and viewed including animation of truck locations. Time of unload is currently found in the LCA. We have found that when the inspector enters a temperature at the point of unload a time stamp is associated with the ticket. Can this be done for every ticket? Mix temperature at the time of loading is not currently on our tickets. If temperature at time of loading is required, it is felt more staff will be needed for continuous temperature testing and data entry. Temperature and any comments at time of unloading are currently being added by the inspector. Should infrared technology be incorporated into taking temperature at the time of loading? This information could be automatically integrated onto the tickets.

27 Mobile app tickets during night shifts are not always available
Mobile app tickets during night shifts are not always available. At or shortly after midnight data is stored in the previous day with current set up. Users can access the web based program to make notes. Truck does not show up on the map until one cycle is complete. Full cycle being Source to destination back to source. This is a matter of settings in Fleetwatcher. Confirm data mapping between computer software to correct fields/columns so sorting and viewing of data can take place with convenience

28 Daily Summary 2. Daily Summary
The following summary of information shall be provided to the Engineer electronically within 4 hours of beginning operations on the next working day. For each material List of individual Loads Contractor Name and material producer Project Number and County Truck Number Net Weight for Payment (nearest 0.01 tons) Date paved Mix temperature at time of loading Time Loaded Time Unloaded Delivery location (latitude/longitude in decimal degrees to nearest ) For each Bid Item Total Quantity Wasted (nearest 0.01 tons) Total Quantity for Payment (nearest 0.01 tons)

29 Daily Summary 2. Daily Summary
The following summary of information shall be provided to the Engineer electronically within 4 hours of beginning operations on the next working day. For each material List of individual Loads Contractor Name and material producer Project Number and County Truck Number Net Weight for Payment (nearest 0.01 tons) Date paved Mix temperature at time of loading Time Loaded Time Unloaded Delivery location (latitude/longitude in decimal degrees to nearest ) For each Bid Item Total Quantity Wasted (nearest 0.01 tons) Total Quantity for Payment (nearest 0.01 tons)

30 Scale Ticket Summary Web Based, notes and ticket view
Scale Ticket and notes viewed here

31 Scale Ticket Summary in Excel Format
Unload temperature

32 Material temp time stamp
Working to map pay item code to Material Name

33 Material Summary Report Some changes still needed through programming
When specific project is chosen… Change to Project/Job ID – ALDOT # Pay Items Tons batched does not include external sales

34 Daily Summary Review As seen previously not all information is on a single spreadsheet. i.e time loaded and unloaded, GPS location. Have found that any loads being generated for external customer will populate in reported information. Load counts are separated so not to combine external sales with ALDOT projects. The Material Summary Report does not include external sales data when specific projects are identified. If sorting daily sales in excel, external information will need to be sorted out. Or update software to not allow any external data to populate.

35 In Conclusion IT is a large part of integration and keeping all operations functional. Both internally and Fleet Management based. Data mapping to the correct fields will affect the use of this information upstream. Updates are in process for Midsouth as we continue to evaluate functions of the system. Mobile device implementation is crucial to the field operations. Continue to focus to reduce their work load where all the information is generated. Application functions and web based functions vary. Limited data entry and daily shifts are available on the app.

36 In Conclusion In order for this system to be effective, time must be spent using it by all involved during this trial. Paper tickets are a necessity during this trial phase. It is recommended that a paper trail continue. The end result should be convenience through technology and better time management on all levels. Internet connection both at the plant and jobsite remain crucial to the performance of the equipment Transponder (wireless equipment devices) management is vital.


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