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Imperialism 1898-1914.

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1 Imperialism

2 America’s Role at the turn of the 20th century
As the 20th century approached, the United States entered the world stage as an influence equal to such traditional powers as Britain and France. The US emerges from the Spanish-American War as a great world power. The United States emerges as an Imperialist nation.

3 What is Imperialism the extension of a country’s power beyond its borders (making an empire) country takes over other territories, controls them economically and politically More Land = More Resources = More $ = More Power

4 What fueled American Imperialism?
Powerful European nations like Spain, Britain, France, and Germany used imperialism to gain colonies, riches, and power. Many Americans believed that the U.S. needed to gain power too.

5 Arguments for American Imperialism
Imperializing made America more powerful. Americans needed to Christianize the savage people of Unchristian nations. Americans were superior to these weaker nations. American needed natural resources.

6 Arguments against American Imperialism
American Imperialism was racist. Americans were taking over sovereign (independent) nations. America needed to take care of the people on their own country first.

7 Examples of American Imperialism
Hawaii – Had large amounts of sugar. America had the Hawaiian Queen Liliuokalani overthrown. U.S. annexed Hawaii as the 50th state. China – Had a large amount of natural resources. All powerful countries wanted China. U.S. proposed an Open Door Policy – all nations could trade in China, but no nation could take it over. Chinese revolted against the foreign countries and became isolationist again.


9 The Spanish American War - 1898
The U.S. went to war with Spain because they refused to grant independence to Cuba. The USS Maine was a U.S. warship off the coast of Cuba. It exploded unexpectedly and killed American sailors. Yellow Journalists (reporters to stretched and sensationalized events) claimed that Spain had bombed the ship (despite that there wasn’t any evidence). The American people demanded WAR!

10 The Spanish American War continued
The U.S. wanted to expand into Latin America – leads to “war fever” The war was nicknamed the “Splendid Little War” because it only lasted 4 months and there were very few American causalities. The U.S. wins and Spain is driven out of Cuba and Puerto Rico (becomes an American territory.) The War actually started in the Philippines…..


12 The Philippine – American War
The Philippine’s were another Spanish colony that wanted independence. The U.S. Navy defeated the Spanish Navy. America decides to keep the Philippines as an American territory….. Philippine – American War breaks out in 1899 Lasted about 3 Years. Stays a U.S. territory until 1946.

13 Examples of American Imperialism In Latin America
Cuba – Rich in sugar and natural resources Cuba is extremely close to the U.S. (90 miles off the coast of Florida). Forced to add the Platt Amendment in their Constitution which gave the U.S. military control in their country. Created Guantanamo Bay military base. Guam – becomes a U.S. territory Puerto Rico – becomes a U.S. territory Panama – Panama Canal

14 Theodore Roosevelt Became a hero during the Spanish – American War.
Led a group called the “Rough Riders”. He defeated the Spanish at the Battle of San Juan Hill. Yellow Journalist exaggerated the battle to be more important than it was. Eventually he is elected President of the U.S.

15 President Teddy Roosevelt and the Roosevelt Corollary
The Caribbean region and Latin America were unstable – they owed large amounts of money to European countries. Roosevelt feared that Europe would try and gain power and influence the region. He announced that the United States had the right to intervene in Latin American countries in economic crisis. The Roosevelt Corollary was added to the Monroe Doctrine (President James Monroe) Europe stay out of our hemisphere and we will stay out of yours…

16 Roosevelt’s Philosophy
America should “speak softly but carry a Big Stick”. He did not believe we should threaten war, but that other nations should be scared of us. He did this by updating our military, especially our navy.

17 The Panama Canal Since America now controlled territory in the Atlantic and the Pacific, the U.S. was seeking a faster sea route from one ocean to the other. The U.S. government built a shipping canal across the Panama. The Canal was the biggest engineering project of the era. Opened in 1914. The voyage from San Francisco to New York was cut from 14,000 miles to 6,000 miles.

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