Data Services Data Wrangling + Dashboard Design + Storytelling

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Presentation on theme: "Data Services Data Wrangling + Dashboard Design + Storytelling"— Presentation transcript:

1 Data Services Data Wrangling + Dashboard Design + Storytelling
Jody Hoesly, SCLS Data Services Consultant November 2017

2 There is a lot of WILD data!
DATA WRANGLING There is a lot of WILD data!

3 Information Connection
Library Data Access Services Digital Access Annual Report Data Information Connection Budgets Programming Database Usage Resources & Materials Delivery Statistics Spaces

4 ILS Data Custom Work Stats

5 Survey Data

6 Demographic Data


8 A process using powerful tools!
DASHBOARD DESIGN A process using powerful tools! +


10 SCLS Design Criteria Usable by all SCLS libraries
Publically accessible via Tableau Public Easily updated when new data is available Leverages commercial software Implemented in phases Uses SCLS or library color schemes Visually appealing Accessible )


12 Re-engineer

13 Tools Forbes July 20, 2017 The 7 Best Data Visualization Tools in 2017


15 Publish & Maintain

16 STORYTELLING Questions?



19 Current Projects

20 Results Madison The City of Madison is developing processes and systems to better leverage data in making decision. The goal of this effort is to make it easier for city staff to use and share data in the decision making process. This engagement is intended to connect the activities of each department with the City of Madison Strategic Framework through a service inventory process. Multiple dashboards will be developed to support this initiative. Madison Public Library and Streets & Recycling are pilot projects. A City of Madison intern will be developing dashboards using Power BI.

21 Results Madison – MPL Service Categories

22 Results Madison Who is borrowing materials from the library?
What is being borrowed/used? Where do our patrons who borrow materials live? What format (ex. electronic) do our patrons prefer? When do patrons borrow the most materials? How much of the collection in the library is being used? (turnover rate) Where are materials for library patrons being borrowed from and loaned to? What type of language materials are available? What has been recently added? What electronic resources provide the best value? Access Services Resources & Materials

23 Ideas, Suggestions, Comments ALWAYS WELCOMED!

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