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Archetypes and the Greek Hero

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1 Archetypes and the Greek Hero

2 Archetype A very typical example of a certain character or symbol
Examples of archetypes are: Hero The Blind Seer Powers That Be There are many more than these few listed, but these are the most important to our epic poem

3 Hero In Greek, hero means “protector” or “defender”
“In Greek mythology the ‘hero’ referred to a type of being: someone semi-divine or a demi- god… These demi-gods had super human powers and often were significant to combat scenes…” (“Myth and More”) The hero is typically the protagonist of the story A hero is not always a person with integrity but could be a person trying to redeem themselves for the wrong they’ve done in life.

4 Hero Examples Odysseus Hercules Katniss Everdeen from The Hunger Games

5 Tragic Hero A strong person, usually male, who experiences grief because of a fault within his or her character This fatal flaw in a tragic hero is known as “hubris.” It can be seen as pride, anger, or ambition, or, sometimes, it is an excess of virtue, such as a pursuit of duty. A good example of that would be Ned Stark from Game of Thrones.

6 Epic Hero An epic is a long narrative poem that details the adventures and successes of a hero. Or, in this case, an EPIC HERO. His goal is typically to save his nation or its people In order to do this, he must embark on a journey across the country, seas, or the globe. This is sometimes, predictably, known as the HERO’S JOURNEY. Along the way, natural and supernatural beings test the hero’s bravery, wits, and battle skills Characteristics of an epic hero Strength Courage Nobility Confidence Wit and intelligence  This is Odysseus’ strongest skill. He is known for talking his men into doing whatever crazy adventure comes at them.

7 The Blind Seer The prophet who can see the outcome before the others in a story In Greek mythology, typically an old, blind man who is known for predicting the future

8 The Blind Seer Examples include
A blind man predicting Julius Caesar’s death A blind man predicting the destruction of Oedipus Rex’s family The Graeae, blind women in Greek mythology that shared one eye which they used to tell the future or to see hidden objects that would help heroes on their quests

9 Powers That Be The unseen forces pulling the strings, for good or bad, that affect the hero In Greek mythology, we have the gods and goddesses who literally intervene to help their favorite heroes

10 Powers That Be Examples: Modern Day Examples
Athena helps Odysseus return home to Ithaca Poseidon tries to destroy Odysseus on his journey home to Ithaca Modern Day Examples God of War – Athena tries to help Kratos with his revenge on the gods Angel – in the TV show, the characters are constantly challenged by monsters and demons sent by the “Powers That Be”

11 Works Cited “Archetypal Character.” TV Tropes. N.d. Web. 6 Nov. 2013.
“The Character Archetype ‘Hero’.” Myth and More. 29 July Web. 6 Nov

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