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Network Technology Update

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1 Network Technology Update
* 07/16/96 Network Technology Update Jim Van Dyke Assistant Section Head Network Engineering & Telecommunications Section (NETS) Explain name change from technology to telecom Added telecommunication group in Dec telephone, physical security Added 6 staff 11/7/2018 *

2 Topics Covered Today Front-Range GigaPOP
* 07/16/96 Topics Covered Today Front-Range GigaPOP Boulder Research & Administration Network Wireless Networking Voice over IP Web100 Virtual Private Networks Internal Network Upgrades Cabling/Construction Projects 11/7/2018 *

3 Front-Range GigaPOP History Current Members Commodity Internet Status
* 07/16/96 Front-Range GigaPOP History Current Members NCAR,CSU,DU,UCD,HSC,NOAA,UCB,UW,CSM,State of Colo. Commodity Internet Status 3 Carriers C & 155Mbps 155Mbps UUNet via 15Mbps (BPOP only) Began in fall of 1999 Equipment and lines located in Denver Only 3 members Cost of internet connectivity went up/no free rides Long battle to get multiple carriers BPOP is composed of NOAA/NIST and NCAR Gives NCAR a back-door internet access in Boulder 11/7/2018 *

4 Front-Range GigaPOP - Cont.
* 07/16/96 Front-Range GigaPOP - Cont. Abiline Connectivity at 155Mbps vBNS connectivity at 155Mbps Caching Abiline/Internet 2 vBNS connects the super computing centers Caching at the FRGP gets about 3-5% hits Made up of a rack of servers and disks NCAR is now well conected 11/7/2018 *

5 * 07/16/96 11/7/2018 *

6 Boulder Research & Administration Network
* 07/16/96 Boulder Research & Administration Network History Connects NOAA, NIST, UCB, City of Boulder, and NCAR together NCAR paths from ML, Pearl, FL MSS Extension to MMM, ATD Took 4 years to develop & build cooperation between all parties 28 strands of dark fiber 12 for the city Been up for about 1 year gives us unlimited speed between the sites 11/7/2018 *

7 * 07/16/96 11/7/2018 *

8 Wireless Networking MAN LAN
* 07/16/96 Wireless Networking MAN ML to Marshall ML to FL, Pearl LAN Conference Rooms As Requested Currently testing Marshall link Plan to connect ML-FL when A comes out Slowly all conference rooms are being given access FL1-Atrium FL2-Cafeteria/MSR , comet class room FL3 - none yet ML - room40 testing room Damon - both inner and outer Chapman Parts of the cafeteria Pearl - CTTC 11/7/2018 *

9 * 07/16/96 11/7/2018 *

10 Voice Over IP Technology Test bed running Unified Messaging
* 07/16/96 Voice Over IP Technology Test bed running Unified Messaging 11/7/2018 *

11 * 07/16/96 11/7/2018 *

12 Web100 Collaborative Research Project SC2000 - initial Demo
* 07/16/96 Web100 Collaborative Research Project SC initial Demo Project Goals: To enable ordinary network users to attain full network data rates without help from network experts. To develop the software components necessary for a high performance network host software environment. Reasons for Poor Network Performance:The host system software is optimized for low bandwidth. There is a lack of instrumentation and tools to diagnose performance issues at end hosts. How do we plan to achieve our goals: The environment will run common TCP-based applications at the fastest rate appropriate for the underlying network infrastructure. The TCP performance tuning transparency will be achieved by embedding the appropriate diagnostics and automatic controls in the end system operating system at a level invisible to the user. Create a window into the network to better see and diagnose network performance components. Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center National Center for Supercomputing Applications - University of Illinois 11/7/2018 *

13 Virtual Private Networks
* 07/16/96 Virtual Private Networks Why Use VPNs? What are we doing? 11/7/2018 *

14 * 07/16/96 11/7/2018 *

15 Internal Network Upgrades
* 07/16/96 Internal Network Upgrades Routing Upgrades Ethernet Switch Upgrades SCD Flat Network 11/7/2018 *

16 Cabling/Construction Projects
* 07/16/96 Cabling/Construction Projects MINT-FL MINT-ML MLUR 11/7/2018 *

17 Conclusion Networking is always changing
* 07/16/96 Conclusion Networking is always changing Look at our web for new information: 11/7/2018 *

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