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Four Year Planning Your Road Map to Graduation Gateway Middle School Class of 2018.

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Presentation on theme: "Four Year Planning Your Road Map to Graduation Gateway Middle School Class of 2018."— Presentation transcript:

1 Four Year Planning Your Road Map to Graduation Gateway Middle School Class of 2018

2 Goals for next 2 MSLP lessons Enter 6 credits worth of classes for your Freshman (9 th grade) Year Enter 6 credits worth of classes for your Sophomore (10 th grade) Year Enter 6 credits worth of classes for your Junior (11 th grade) Year Enter 6 credits worth of classes for your Senior (12 th grade) Year

3 You will need: Four year plan template (page 26) Pencil Course Catalog – Today (February 28 th ) you will need to share – Next lesson (March 1 st ), you will have your own to finalize your plans

4 On the top Right of your four year plan clearly write down your: – First and Last Name – 1 st Period teachers Last Name – UA teacher and Period you have UA This information will be used to help organize your four year plans for when you take them into the computer lab to enter into the system.

5 English 9 th grade: English 1 or English 1 Honors – If you want to take English Honors write in Honors on your paper next to English 1. – You will need to have your block teacher sign off that you would be a good fit in an Honors class for your 9 th grade year. 10 th grade: English 2 or English 2 Honors

6 English: Junior Year 11 th grade: English 3 or AP English Literature – You have the potential to earn college credit if you take AP classes. Additional information is on page 20 of the HS Planning Guide – There is not an option for English 3 Honors, if you want to add more rigor, you can take AP English.

7 English: Senior Year 3.5 English credits are required for Graduation so all 12 th graders need to take at least 0.5 credits of English in senior year. You should all plan to take a full year of English in 12 th grade. 12 th grade English options are: – AP English Language (All year) – UW English (University of WA) (All year) – ECC English (Everett Community College) (All year) – English 4 (1 semester) continued on next screen

8 English: Senior Year (continued) If you are taking English 4 you will need to also take one of these English Electives to earn four English credits. – Journalism (More info on Page 21) – Speech (More info on Page 22) – Debate (More info on Page 22) – Creative Writing (More info on Page 22) – Myth & Legend (More info on Page 22) – Contemporary Authors (More info on Page 22) – Cinema Visions (More info on Page 22) – Literature & Film (More info on Page 22) Students taking Honors or AP English can also take these classes as electives. Additional information on pages 20, 21 & 22 in Planning Guide.

9 Science: 9 th grade Coordinated Science or Biology – Students currently in 8 th grade science: Write in Coordinated Science or Coordinated Science Honors You will need to have your science teacher sign off that you would be a good fit for Honors Coordinated Science. – Students currently in Coordinated Science: Write in Biology or Biology Honors If you are passing Coordinated Science with a B grade write in Biology Honors

10 Science Sequence for 10 th through 12 th grade Turn to page 27 in the Planning guide to see the flow chart of classes and in what order they can be taken.

11 PE and Health 9 th grade (required for all): – Health for one semester – PE 1 for the other semester. In order to graduate, you will need an additional 1.0 credit of PE. Options to earn the other 1 credit of PE: – Take two more of the PE classes at Jackson Walking, aerobics, lifetime sports, weight training, advanced team sports (page 26) – Waive the credit with sports (paperwork required) If you are going to Waive PE indicate that on your plan and include what sports you will participate in – Take PE through Online High School – indicate this on your plan

12 Math Here is the Math sequence (refer to page 23): – Algebra 1 (Graduation Requirement) – Geometry (Graduation Requirement) – Algebra 2 w/ Trig (Graduation Requirement) – Pre-calculus, Statistics or AP Statistics – Calculus, AP Calculus, Statistics or AP Statistics If you are in 8 th grade math you will be taking Algebra 1 in 9 th grade. There are no Honors math classes offered

13 History or Social Studies 9 th grade: No History 10 th grade: World History or AP World History 11 th grade: US History or AP US History

14 History/Social Studies 12 th grade Government is a graduation requirement. 1.AP Government (1 semester) or 2.Government (1 semester) – Universities require 3 credits of Social Studies so in addition to your required graduation requirements you will need to take one of the following: Semester Electives: Global Issues, I-Geography, Psychology Year long Electives: AP Psychology or UW Psychology – If you failed or did not take WA State History in 7 th grade, you will need to add WA State History

15 Visual and Performing Arts One credit of Visual and Performing Arts is required for graduation. – In the planning guide look through pages 32 to 40 for the comprehensive list. – It does not matter what art classes you take as long as you take at least one credit worth (2 semesters total). Graphic Design and Digital Photo may not meet the Visual and Performing Arts requirements for some universities.

16 Career & Technical Education One credit of Career & Technical Education (CTE) is required for graduation. – In the planning guide look through pages 11 to 19 for the comprehensive list. – It does not matter what CTE classes you take as long as you take at least one credit worth of classes (2 semesters worth).

17 Filling in the plan with electives An electives is any class that is not a specific graduation requirement. For example, Chemistry is an elective because it is not required class for graduation. Refer to example four year plans in your HS Blue Print on pages 27 to 32 for ideas of how to fill in your electives. Choose classes that you are interested in and that will help you meet your post high school goals.

18 Graduation Requirements As you finish your plan remember to refer back to the high school graduation requirements to make sure you have all the classes scheduled that you will need to meet graduation requirements. See page 5 in High School Planning guide or page 20 in the Blue Print for Success for graduation requirements.

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