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Urinary Models.

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Presentation on theme: "Urinary Models."— Presentation transcript:

1 Urinary Models

2 Renal Vein Kidney Ureter Urinary Bladder

3 Urinary Bladder Rugae (folds) Ureteral Opening Internal Urethral Orifice Trigone Urethra

4 Interlobular Artery and Vein
Renal Capsule Renal Cortex Interlobar Artery and Vein Arcuate Artery and Vein Segmental Artery Renal Medulla Renal Artery Renal Vein Pyramid Segmental Vein Ureter

5 Renal Capsule Nephron Minor Calyx Major Calyx Renal Pyramid Renal Pelvis Renal Column Renal Papilla (openings) Ureter

6 Lobe with Nephrons Afferent Arteriole Renal Corpuscle
Efferent Arteriole Proximal Convoluted Tubule Ascending Limb Descending Limb Distal Convoluted Tubule Collecting Duct Peritubular Capillary Network Loop (of Henle) Papillary Duct

7 Renal Corpuscle Distal Convoluted Tubule Afferent Arteriole
Efferent Arteriole Endothelium Juxtagomerular Apparatus (JGA) Capsular Space Filtration Slits Visceral Layer of the Capsule or Podocyte Endothelial Pore ( dark red dot) Parietal Layer of the Capsule Glomerulus Proximal Convoluted Tubule

8 Nephron Proximal Convoluted Tubule Renal Corpuscle Descending Limb
Efferent Arteriole Renal Corpuscle Interlobular Artery Collecting Duct Afferent Arteriole Interlobular Vein Descending Limb Distal Convoluted Tubule Vasa Recta Ascending Limb Papillary Duct Peritubular capillary Network Loop of Henle

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