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1 Functions

2 Starter A rule for a function is 𝑓 𝑐 = 1 𝑐+3
Functions KUS objectives BAT understand definition of a function as a one to one mapping BAT recognise odd and even functions BAT state the domain and range of functions Starter A rule for a function is 𝑓 𝑐 = 1 𝑐+3 Evaluate f(2), f(-2), f(0) and f(-5) Which value of f(c) has no solution ? Evaluate f(2), f(-2), f(0) and f(-5)

3 Notes Domain and Range – mappings
Instead of finding a single value of f(x) imagine that each number in the set of possible x values is Input to the function: - the corresponding outputs can be represented as a mapping as shown DOMAIN RANGE Because each element in the first set is mapped to exactly one output we say this mapping is one to one

4 Notes Domain and Range – mappings
Consider this mapping DOMAIN RANGE Because some elements in the first set are mapped to the same output we say this mapping is many to one What other types of mappings can we have? Can you think of any operations that are one to many?

5 Domain βˆ’πŸ’<𝐱<πŸ“ Range βˆ’πŸ‘<π’š<πŸ‘
WB1a Domain and Range – graphically state the domain and range Domain βˆ’πŸ’<𝐱<πŸ“ Range βˆ’πŸ‘<π’š<πŸ‘

6 Sketch a graph to help figure it out
Domain: TheΒ domainΒ is the set of all possible x-values which will make theΒ function "work", and will output real y-values. Range: The rangeΒ is the resulting y-values we get after substituting all the possible x-values Sketch a graph to help figure it out Range Domain

7 Domain βˆ’πŸ—<𝐱<πŸ– Range πŸ‘<π’š<πŸ–
WB1b Domain and Range – graphically state the domain and range Domain βˆ’πŸ—<𝐱<πŸ– Range πŸ‘<π’š<πŸ–

8 WB2a Sketch the graph of y = f(x) a) f(x) = π‘₯ 2 βˆ’4π‘₯+3, βˆ’1<π‘₯≀4
What is the domain of f ? What is the range of f ? Range βˆ’1<𝑦≀8 Domain βˆ’1<π‘₯≀4

9 WB2b Draw a sketch of the function defined by:
𝑓:π‘₯⟼ 2π‘₯+1, βˆ’2<π‘₯<4 13βˆ’π‘₯, ≀π‘₯<10 and state the range of f(x) Range βˆ’3<𝑦≀9 Domain βˆ’2<π‘₯≀10

10 WB3ab Domain and Range – graphically
Sketch each graph and state its domain and range π’š= 𝒙 𝟐 βˆ’πŸ”π’™+𝟏𝟏 𝐟 𝒙 = πŸ‘π’™+𝟐 𝒙 𝒙=𝟎 π’š=πŸ‘ Domain π’™βˆˆπ‘Ή Domain π’™βˆˆπ‘Ή π’™β‰ πŸŽ Range π’šβˆˆπ‘Ή π’š>𝟐 Range π’šβˆˆπ‘Ή π’šβ‰ πŸ‘

11 WB3cd Domain and Range – graphically
Sketch each graph and state its domain and range g 𝒙 = 𝟏 𝒙 𝟐 𝐑 𝒙 = 𝟏 (π’™βˆ’πŸ‘)(𝒙+𝟐) 𝒙=𝟎 𝒙=πŸ‘ 𝒙=βˆ’πŸ π’š=𝟎 Domain π’™βˆˆπ‘Ή π’™β‰ πŸŽ Domain π’™βˆˆπ‘Ή π’™β‰ πŸ‘ π’™β‰ βˆ’πŸ Range π’šβˆˆπ‘Ή π’š>𝟎 Range π’šβˆˆπ‘Ή π’šβ‰ πŸŽ

12 WB4 The function h(x) is defined by β„Ž π‘₯ = 1 π‘₯ + 2, π‘₯ πœ– 𝑅 π‘₯β‰ 0
a) Sketch a graph of h(x) b) Solve these equations: h(x) = h(x) = h(x) = 1 c) Explain why the equation h(x) = 2 has no solution 𝒙=𝟎 π’š=𝟐 𝒉 𝒙 = 𝟏 𝒙 +𝟐=πŸ‘ 𝒙=𝟏 𝒉 𝒙 = 𝟏 𝒙 +𝟐=πŸ’ 𝒙= 𝟏 𝟐 𝒉 𝒙 = 𝟏 𝒙 +𝟐=𝟏 𝒙=βˆ’πŸ 𝒉 𝒙 = 𝟏 𝒙 +𝟐=𝟐 𝟏 𝒙 =𝟎 has no solution

13 WB5 Draw a sketch of the function defined by 𝑔(𝑑)=3𝑑+2, and state it’s domain and range

14 Notes Problems with one to many

15 Notes Problems with one to many: geogebra file β€˜root (x+a)’
To avoid the problem with one to many – the function 𝑦= π‘₯βˆ’1 is usually only defined for positive values

16 WB6 f(x) = 7βˆ’π‘₯ , Sketch the graph of y = f(x)
What is the domain of f ? What is the range of f ? Range 𝑦β‰₯0 Domain π‘₯≀7

17 One thing to improve is –
KUS objectives BAT understand definition of a function as a one to one mapping BAT recognise odd and even functions BAT state the domain and range of functions self-assess One thing learned is – One thing to improve is –

18 END

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