Linking Transportation Infrastructure and Water Quality

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Presentation on theme: "Linking Transportation Infrastructure and Water Quality"— Presentation transcript:

1 Linking Transportation Infrastructure and Water Quality
Carl Spirio, PE, FDOT Drew Bartlett, FDEP Rick Renna, PE, Atkins Panelists:

2 Topics Current Practice The Benefit/Cost of Current Practice
Prudent Funding of Stormwater Improvements Recommended Direction Obstacles

3 Current Practice Typical Ponds Receiving Waterbody Outfall System
(Waters of the State) Receiving Waterbody Typical Ponds DOT Road

4 Traditional Pond Design Approach

5 Traditional Pond Design Approach

6 I-75 from Lee County Line to Tuckers Grade

7 I-75 from Lee County Line to Tuckers Grade
Originally, Project was NOT funded for R-O-W acquisition. All stormwater treatment and floodplain compensation to be managed within the median of I-75. Much of the bi-furcated median was jurisdictional wetlands. Approximately, 95 acres of wetlands would be impacted by the roadway and linear stormwater systems. This design approach presented difficulty in permitting due to the offsite constraints and TW concerns.



10 I-75 from Lee County Line to Tuckers Grade
Cost Savings: $1.48 million in construction cost savings from eliminating median ponds. (Negative SA from contractor) Reduced wetland impacts saves approximately $715,000 in mitigation. Savings from not maintaining median ponds over 20 years is estimated to be $1,782,000. FDOT contributed $1.48 million toward acquisition of Bond Ranch Parcel by FDEP.

11 Study of FDOT Ponds – Costs
Ponds Purchased, : R/W and Construction Costs R/W Costs Include Eminent Domain Costs Improvements Cost to Cure Business Damages Attorney Fees Experts Costs Relocation

12 $272M Total Cost $591k/acre Average Bad Investment! 5-year Study

13 Study of FDOT Ponds – Nutrient Removal & Efficiency
Estimated annual nutrient removal using… Basin area & characteristics Pond size Annualized up-front costs over 20 years of performance TN C/B: $1,140/lb-N TP C/B: $5,037/lb-P


15 Comparison of SJRWMD and FDOT Approaches
SJRWMD Projects TN Range: $24 - $156 / lb-TN TP Range: $148 - $1400 / lb-TP FDOT TN Average: $1,140/lb-N TP Average: $5,037/lb-P TN C/B: 13x Greater TP C/B: 7x Greater

16 FDOT Annual Stormwater Investment
FDOT Capacity projects, 2005/06 – 2009/10: $13.1B Stormwater Management Investment $272M/$13.1B = 2.07% FDOT Capacity projects, FY : $21,110.9M Expected Stormwater Management Investment: 2.07% = $438M $87M/year Public Investment in Stormwater Quality

17 Prudent Funding of Stormwater Improvements
Wisdom Funding Funding, Wisdom, but no authority: FRUSTRATION Wisdom & Authority, but no funding: USELESS Funding & Authority, but no Wisdom: INEFFECTIVE → DANGEROUS

18 ERP FDOT/Developers BMAP D.E.A.R. Legal/Regulatory Agency/Program
Other possibility: FDOT funds WMD work program projects: a bit to fox/hen house! DEAR proposes an alternate ERP path to FDOT as a FIRST choice FDOT can pursue that path with DOT’s eminent domain authority FDOT gets BMAP credits for their funding BMAP stakeholders get credits for ongoing maintenance of new facilities Obstacle: state water quality law that requires immediate downstream treatment BMAP D.E.A.R.

19 Recommended Direction
Allow FDOT to engage in nutrient-control water quality projects within the basin in lieu of satisfying nutrient-related water quality rules Require a measure of onsite pre-treatment to capture first-flush pollutants Water quality project must provide more environmental improvement than ERP rules Wetland mitigation and flood control requirements remain unchanged

20 Current Obstacles/Hindrances
Must demonstrate NO additional pollutant load to drainage system, even to low-value ditches FDOT needs certainty in water quality requirements to avoid project delays due to re-design WMD reviewers need clear authority to accept non- traditional W/Q approaches

21 Thank you! Questions / Comments?

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