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Solving Legal And Human Resource Problems With Artificial Intelligence

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Presentation on theme: "Solving Legal And Human Resource Problems With Artificial Intelligence"— Presentation transcript:

1 Solving Legal And Human Resource Problems With Artificial Intelligence


3 Narrative of Fear!

4 Definition of AI is ever evolving!

5 Defining Artificial Intelligence
AI is the science of how to get machines to do things they do in the movies. AI is whatever hasn’t been done yet. Larry Tesler, Guy who invented copy and paste Astro Teller Director, Google X Labs AI is tool not a threat. AI is the new electricity. Andrew Ng Former chief scientist at Baidu and everyone’s Machine Learning Professor Rodney Brooks Professor of Robotics at MIT

6 Defining Artificial Intelligence
The theory and development of computer systems able to perform tasks normally requiring human intelligence, such as visual perception, speech recognition, , and translation between languages. decision making Comprehend – Natural Language Processing Hear – Speech Recognition See – Computer Vision

7 Short History of AI 2016 2009 2000 1997 1956 1945 Google DeepMind's AlphaGo defeats Go champion Lee Sedol 1920 Google starts developing, in secret, a driverless car Honda's ASIMO Deep Blue, First chess computer by IBM to beat a world chess champions, Garry Kasparov The Dartmouth conference – 1956 Where AI gained its name Alan Turing Turing Test to define machine intelligence Birth of the word ‘Robot’ R.U.R. is a science fiction play by the Czech writer Karel Čapek.  First AI winter Second AI winter

8 Now! – This Era Is Different For 3 Reasons Image and Video Processing
We finally can make computers learn without being explicitly programmed We finally have lots of data to feed algorithms We finally have ability to process data fast at low cost Big Data Faster Computers Advanced Machine Learning Image and Video Processing Artificial Intelligence Prediction Text Analytics Speech Recognition Healthcare Agriculture Finance Aviation Marketing Human Resource Legal

9 Labor and time intensive Susceptible to manual errors
Legal Industry Challenges Volume of legal documents Complex contract management Junior lawyer/ paralegals doing grunt work, retention rate Shortfall of skilled workforce Stringent regulatory compliance Quick Turnaround time expectations Legal Cases Pending In Indian Courts 2 Million Labor and time intensive Repetitive tasks Susceptible to manual errors Incurs huge costs

10 Solving Legal Problems Using AI
Helping lawyers perform due diligence and research Contract lifecycle management automation Using past cases, win/loss rates and a judge’s history to derive trends and patterns. Document Automation Analysing large IP portfolios and drawing insights from the content. Legal compliance automation

11 How we are solving legal problems with AI?
Contract Abstraction Legal Research Products Addressing Legal Problems Intelligent Contract Management Platform OMNESLAW Underlying AI Platform

12 Legal Research - Automated
List of websites and doc used for research Creation All types of downloaded documents converted to text Document classification using machine learning Robotic process automation Web scraping and downloaded documents Conversion to Text Classification engine Corporate Law Taxation Law Marriage Law Empowered By:

13 Contracts in PDF format Inputs From Domain Expert
Contract Abstraction CSV Summary Output Contract Abstraction Paragraph Tagging Expert System OCR Contracts in PDF format CLM Systems Inputs From Domain Expert Empowered By:

14 Labor and time intensive Susceptible to manual errors
Human Resource Challenges Finding the right candidate with right skillset Candidate communication Inefficient training program development Volume of resumes, Recruiter's bias Search on numerous job portals Retention rate Human bias in appraisals Resumes with Naukri 51.3 Million Labor and time intensive Repetitive tasks Susceptible to manual errors Incurs huge costs

15 Solving Human Resource Problems Using AI
Automating the process of scanning, reading, and evaluating applicants Analysis of video interviews Automating the process of online sourcing and finding right candidate Chatbots to communicate with candidates Developing learning programs based on individuals job role, experience Sentiment analysis across organizations

16 Recruitment Process- Automated
Job Portals Social Media Technology Platforms Market Intel Input Job Description Deconstruction And Enhancement Search job portals Enriched Database Automated Communication Empowered By: Stack Ranking

17 Our Learnings AI can be applied anywhere
AI is about productivity and operational efficiency Domain experience in the key Needs human touch Start Small Needs maintenance

18 Visit our booth at PDC to know more!

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