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Topic A Sections A.2-A.3 Energy in Human Diets

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1 Topic A Sections A.2-A.3 Energy in Human Diets
Special Issues in Human Nutrition

2 Vocabulary List Cholesterol Carbohydrate Protein Diet Fat Nutrition
Diabetes Obese Overweight Underweight

3 A.2.1 Compare the energy content per 100g of carbohydrate, fat and protein.
Carbohydrate = 1,760 KJ per 100g Protein = 1,720 KJ per 100g Fats = 4,000 KJ per 100g See p in the Campbell book

4 A.2.2 Compare the main dietary sources of energy in different ethnic groups
Different regions of the world have different resources, especially when it comes to dietary sources. Because of this different ethnic groups have different diets.

5 Regional Food Pyramids
Asian Diet Pyramid Latin American Diet Pyramid

6 Regional Food Pyramids
Mediterranean Diet Pyramid Vegetarian Diet Pyramid

7 Recommended amounts of nutritional content of a diet for 15 – 18-year-olds
Nutrient Females Males Protein 45.0 g 55.2 g Iron 14.8 mg 11.3 mg Calcium 800 mg 1000 mg Iodine 140 μg 130 μg Zinc 7.0 mg 9.5 mg Retinol 600 μg 700 μg Cyanocobalamin 1.5 μg Ascorbic acid 40 mg Fibre 18 g

8 See p. 864-865 in the Campbell book
A.2.3 Explain the possible health consequences of diets rich in carbohydrates, fats and proteins Diets rich in carbohydrates – having a diet rich in carbohydrates greatly increases the blood sugar level in your body and can cause great problems for people with diabetes. Diets rich in fats – too much fat in a diet can increase the risk of heart disease and certain types of cancer. It can also cause people to become overweight or obese. Diets rich in proteins – by having a diet rich in protein, the kidneys will have to work overtime to try and flush the toxins out of the body. Because of the extra work that the kidneys have to do the body then becomes dehydrated. This puts extra stress on the heart and even more on the kidneys, which can cause severe health problems. See p in the Campbell book

9 A.2.4 Outline the function of the appetite control centre in the brain
Hormones are produced by the pancreas and small intestine after eating and by adipose tissue in response to fat storage. These pass to an appetite control centre in the brain, which makes the person feel that they have eaten enough.

10 How the brain controls eating
A person’s appetite is controlled by the hypothalamus The hypothalamus is shown in the picture to the left

11 Equations for calculating a person’s BMI
A.2.5 Calculate the body mass index (BMI) from the body mass and height of a person Equations for calculating a person’s BMI SI Units = Weight (kg) Height2(m2) US Units = Weight (lbs) • 703 Height2(in2)

12 Obesity = BMI of 30 or greater
A.2.6 Distinguish, using the body mass index, between being underweight, normal weight, overweight and obese BMI Categories: Underweight = <18.5 Normal weight = Overweight = Obesity = BMI of 30 or greater

13 See p. 851-852 in the Campbell book
A.2.7 Outline the reasons for increasing rates of clinical obesity in some countries, including availability of cheap high-energy foods, large portions sizes, increasing use of vehicles for transport, and a change from active to sedentary occupations The increasing amount of availability of cheap high-energy foods contribute to the increasing rates of clinical obesity as people continue to eat non nutritious foods because they are more affordable The larger portion sizes which food now comes in causes people to over eat thus become obese Increase in the use of vehicles for transportation and the change from active to sedentary occupations adds to the growing rates of obesity because people are getting less exercise than they need to stay healthy See p in the Campbell book

14 A.2.8 Outline the consequences of anorexia nervosa
Loss of menstrual periods Lack of energy and weakness Feeling cold all the time Dry, yellowish skin Constipation and abdominal pain Restlessness and insomnia Dizziness, fainting, and headaches Growth of fine hair all over the body and face

15 A.3.1 Distinguish between the composition of human milk and artificial milk used for bottle-feeding babies Vitamin Human Milk Artificial Milk A   64 65 ug/100g D 0.03 0.06 ug/100g C 5.0 6.1 mg/100g E 0.3 0.3 ug/100g B1 (thiamin) 140 68 ug/100g B2  (riboflavin) 36 101 ug/100g Pantothenic acid 200 304 ug/100g Biotin 0.8 3.0 ug/100g Nicotinic acid (niacin) 710 ug/100g Folic Acid 5.2 10 ug/100g Vitamin B12 0.2 ug/100g Vitamin B6 11 41 ug/100g

16 A.3.2 Discuss the benefits of breastfeeding
There are many benefits as well as some disadvantages of breastfeeding a baby. Some of the benefits are that the breast milk will fight infections, give nutrients to the baby and ease its digestion, breast milk is free, it can have different tastes based on what the mother eats, it is convenient, it prevents obesity, and it provides the baby with “skin-to-skin” contact.

17 A.3.3 Outline the causes and symptoms of type II diabetes
Type 2 diabetes is caused by a complicated interplay of genes, environment, insulin abnormalities, increased glucose production in the liver, increased fat breakdown, and possibly defective hormonal secretions in the intestine. The recent dramatic increase indicates that lifestyle factors (obesity and sedentary lifestyle) may be particularly important in triggering the genetic elements that cause this type of diabetes. Increased thirst. Increased hunger (especially after eating). Dry mouth. Nausea and occasionally vomiting. Frequent urination. Fatigue (weak, tired feeling). Blurred vision. Numbness or tingling of the hands or feet. Frequent infections of the skin, urinary tract or vagina. See p.968 in the Campbell book

18 To the left is the recommended diabetic food pyramid.
A.3.4 Explain the dietary advice that should be given to a patient who has developed type II diabetes To the left is the recommended diabetic food pyramid. Maintain near-normal blood sugar levels Normalize the levels of fats and cholesterol in your blood Achieve and maintain a sensible body weight Encourage good health

19 A.3.5 Discuss the ethical issues concerning the eating of animal products, including honey, eggs, milk and meat Some of the ethical issues include taking the life of other animals for food, justifying the pain caused to the animals in transport and slaughter, justifying the suffering of animals just to fix crowded conditions, taking animals from their natural habitats, is the pollution caused by fish farming acceptable.

20 See p. 885 in the Campbell book
A.3.6 Evaluate the benefits of reducing dietary cholesterol in lowering the risk of coronary heart disease having a diet rich in cholesterol greatly increases the risk of death from coronary heart disease (CHD). A 10% increase in blood cholesterol level causes a 30% increase in the risk of death from CHD. By reducing the levels of dietary cholesterol you reduce the chances of coronary heart disease. See p. 885 in the Campbell book

21 A.3.7 Discuss the concept of food miles and the reasons for consumers choosing foods to minimize food miles Food miles are simply a measure of how far a food item has been transported from its site of production to its site of consumption. Transport of food causes air pollution, traffic congestion, and greenhouse gas emissions. Transport of food also allows continuity of supply and increased choice for consumers.

22 Food Miles Cartoon

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