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Teaching Academically Diverse Learners

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Presentation on theme: "Teaching Academically Diverse Learners"— Presentation transcript:

1 Teaching Academically Diverse Learners
Module 5 Ryan/Cooper/Tauer, Teaching for Student Learning: Becoming a Master Teacher

2 Defining Intelligence
One ability or many? Mental capacities To acquire knowledge? To apply knowledge?

3 IQ IQ-based intelligence tests Calculates “mental age”
Binet developed original test Today Stanford-Binet, Weschler tests Calculates “mental age” Compared to chronological age

4 Triarchic Theory of Intelligence
Analytical Verbal, mathematical, logic, reasoning skills Creative Response to unfamiliar problems, new situations Practical Reading the environment and responding appropriately

5 Howard Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences Theory
Verbal-linguistic Logical-mathematical Spatial Bodily-kinesthetic Musical Interpersonal Intrapersonal Naturalist

6 Gifted and Talented Gifted Talented Excel in academic areas
Excel in areas outside of academics Music Sports Art

7 Identifying Gifted and Talented Students
Tests Cognitive ability Achievement Observations Reports Parents/guardians Teachers Other adults

8 Educating Gifted and Talented Students
Separate classes, schools Individualized approaches Meet specific student needs No special programs; in regular classes Acceleration Enrichment

9 VAK Model of Learning Styles
Visual Verbal-visual Spatial-visual Auditory Kinesthetic

10 Experiential Learning Cycle
Concrete experience Reflective observation Abstract conceptualization Active experimentation

11 Kolb’s Theory of Learning Styles
Diverging Concrete experience & reflective observation Accommodating Concrete experience & active experimentation Assimilating Abstract conceptualization & reflective observation Converging Abstract conceptualization & active experimentation

12 Differentiating Instruction
Content Different approaches to same concepts, principles, skills (lecture, text, demo) Process Varying student activities, more or less support Products Different ways to demonstrate knowledge (paper, test, group project)

13 Ways to Differentiate Instruction
Stations Compacting Complex instruction Choice boards Problem-based learning Entry points Orbital studies

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