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Warring City-States: Greece and Sparta

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1 Warring City-States: Greece and Sparta
Objectives Identify the different political systems that developed in the Greek city-states Describe the government of Athens Explain how Athenian and Spartan gov’t differed Summarize the battles and results of the Persian Wars

2 Focus Record your response to the following questions in your notebook: What were the advantages and disadvantages of the city-state as a form of government? Why would tyrants set up building programs?

3 Rule and Order in City-States
Polis – The Fundamental Greek political unit Made up of city-state and the surrounding countryside At public center was Acropolis – male citizens gathered there to discuss city government

4 Plutarch, the Greek writer, describes the describes the great buildings of the Acropolis: “Each of them is always in bloom, maintaining is appearance as though untouched by time, as though an evergreen breath and undecaying spirit had been mixed in its construction.”

5 Greek Political Structure
Monarchy – Gov’t ruled by a King or monarch, hereditary, divine right (some), Mycenae by 2000 B.C. Aristocracy – Gov’t ruled by nobles and landowners, hereditary, based on family ties, social rank, wealth, Athens prior to 594 B.C. Oligarchy – Gov’t ruled by a few powerful people, based on wealth or ability, ruling group controls military, Sparta by 500 B.C.

6 Greek Political Structure
Direct Democracy – State ruled by its citizens, rule based on citizenship, majority rule, practiced in Athens by about 500 B.C.

7 Defending the Polis (city-state)
Iron became cheaper than bronze Now ordinary citizens could afford Iron spears and shields “Commoners” defending the polis make up a “new” army Foot-soldiers (Hoplites) used the Phalanx formation to dominate opposing armies

8 The Phalanx

9 Phalanx


11 Feared Warriors: The Spartans
Uniqueness of Sparta’s geography Spartans built a military state Conquered areas – made people “helots” – or slaves

12 Spartan Government Government composed of two groups: The Assembly (free adult males – voted on issues) and the Council of Elders (proposed laws) 5 elected ephors carried out the laws

13 Spartan Education

14 Spartan Education Spartan’s lives were completely focused on the military Spartan Goal: Produced tough, battle-tested warriors Age 7: Boys left home – went into army barracks Age 20: Allowed to marry, but still lived full-time with army Age 60: Retirement from Army – live w/family

15 Spartan Education

16 Questions to answer How did life differ for Spartan women? (Think about their differences with Spartan men and with Athenian women) What did the Spartans “sacrifice” by focusing so much on the military?

17 Democracy in Athens Athens avoided problems by creating the first democracy: Rule by the people Who were “excluded” from being full-citizens? What was the expected “role” for women in Athens?

18 The Political and Economic Reformers in Greece
What was each of the following reformers responsible for and what did it do??? Draco – Developed a legal code All equal under the law (rich and poor) Dealt very harshly with criminals Solon – No citizen should own another citizen Outlawed debt slavery Organized citizens into four social classes Top three hold political office All citizens could participate in the Athenian assembly Any citizen could bring charges against wrongdoers

19 Reforms of Cleisthenes
Helped the democracy by limiting the nobility Regular citizens now could propose laws and debate Created the Council of Five Hundred – random collection that proposed laws and counseled the assembly 1/5 of Athenian residents were full-citizens

20 The Persian Wars Persian King Darius was upset that Greeks were settling in Ionia (coast of Anatolia) Darius put down the revolt in Anatolia and wanted to burn Athens in revenge


22 Battle of Marathon Persians sent a fleet to Marathon
25,000 Persians vs. 10,000 Athenians Persians light armor no match for Greek phalanx formations Outcome: 6,400 Persians dead; only 192 Athenians

23 Athens Undefended After Marathon, the city of Athens was undefended
Army sent their best runner: Pheidippides to run to Athens to alert them of possible attack 26-mile journey now known as a “Marathon”

24 After 10 years – Persian War continues
Darius’ son Xerxes now in power for Persia What did some people in Athens want to do when the Persians came back? What happened at the following battles – Thermopylae Salamis Plataea

25 Thermopylae

READ Gates of Fire – complete assignment by THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 2014.

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