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community hospitals making Reports To The DCF Child Abuse Careline

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Presentation on theme: "community hospitals making Reports To The DCF Child Abuse Careline"— Presentation transcript:

1 community hospitals making Reports To The DCF Child Abuse Careline
Taking a Look at Decision Making and Safety Planning

2 The Careline In the 2017 calendar year, 109,000 calls, half (54,000)were reports of suspected abuse/neglect. 27,000 accepted for services Over the past 5 years call volume increased on an average of 2,000 calls per year. Calls into the Hospital dedicated line – 8,800 in 2017 Critical Incidents – a category of report involving serious injury due to abuse/neglect, DMST, death of child/parent. In Critical Incidents Staffing Number of 100 across the operation, which included SIU and Background Checks

3 Mandated Reporters Reports of alleged abuse, neglect, and uncared for
IPV - Intimate Partner Violence FARS vs Traditional Track for Investigations Information that helps the Careline social work staff to understand – Medical & Layman’s terms of injuries. Other concerns, i.e. neglect, uncared for, caregivers presentation. Our Wish List - Speaking to the examining provider, or making sure the reporter has all the details from the exam, as well as a clear understanding of the medical /social concerns Things get lost in transition and translation.

4 Information needed When Reporting Alleged Abuse/Neglect
The Story Who was the caretaker at the time of the incident Accidental v.s. Non Accidental Who is the person responsible or person entrusted for the child’s well being? Hospital? Home? Family arrangements? Foster care? Moving parts – who needs to be involved in the plan of safety

5 Decisions and Safety Factors
Safety Planning –What Does It Mean What is the History? Family? Child? Medical? Hospital? Home? Family arrangements/foster care DCF v.s. Police

6 DCF services and service providers
Non CPS Family Involvement Permanency for children in care Community Partners and service providers In home and out of home cases CRTM – consider removal team meetings ACR reviews -Administrative Case Review" - aka "ACR":  The purpose of the Administrative Case Review  or ACR is to provide an orderly and structured meeting in which all participants are engaged in discussion focused on meeting the needs of children, including permanency planning


8 Community Partners Yale New Haven Hospital CCMC State Police
Local Police Dept.- Statewide municipalities 211

9 Outcomes Safe Children Healthy Children Well cared For Children
Parents / Caregivers who can keep them safe

10 Baby 2mth old with mirror bruising on feet – work up incomplete
Baby with bruise to lower eye lid, mom said baby fell off bed 7mth old

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