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Reasons Behind Engine Backfiring in Cars

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2 Most of the people have actually seen an engine backfire but fail to understand the actual issue and what causes it?

3 Backfiring is the process of a spark plug, or multiple spark plugs, igniting the fuel in their cylinder out of turn, in a part of the combustion process where the exhaust valve is open on that cylinder.

4 Here are some causes of engine backfire which will let you know the actual reason behind the issue.


6 If your engine is being supplied more fuel than it needs to burn efficiently, then it’s called a rich fuel to air mixture and can be caused by a dirty air filter.

7 Whenever an engine runs too rich there is too much fuel to create an explosive fast-burning flame and the fuel burns slower & isn’t complete before the exhaust part of the engine cycle.

8 When the exhaust valve opens on that cylinder, the extra air allows the unburned fuel to explosively burn and the popping noise of a backfire is heard.


10 This is one of the most leading reasons due to which an engine misfire occurs and is also known as retarded timing.

11 This means that the engine cycle of fuel-compression- ignition-exhaust in the top end isn’t in sync with the bottom end.

12 This causes the ignition cycle to begin late in the combustion chamber and ignite the fuel when the exhaust valve is opening.


14 In cars that don’t have ignition coils on the spark plugs a distributor cap and wire set are used to send the electrical pulse to the spark plugs.

15 If the distributor cap is damaged, then moisture can get in and cause the spark from one cylinder to go to another incorrect cylinder.

16 Whenever the incorrect cylinder fires out of time and the exhaust valve is open simultaneously, you will experience an engine backfire.


18 The cars where the distributor cap is used all the spark plug wires are attached to the top of the distributor cap.

19 In due course of time, the environmental factors can cause the spark to travel from one spark plug wire to another in close proximity.

20 When this happens frequently a carbon track forms which is like a shortcut for the spark and causes a misfire very similar to that of a cracked distributor cap.


22 The above-mentioned factors are some of the reasons behind the engine backfire in your car.

23 Whenever you experience an engine backfire, then take your car to an automotive shop to fix the issue as soon as possible.

24 ForeignAutomotive/ watch?v=UxcmSVugv6A

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