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Understanding Behavior

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1 Understanding Behavior
with The Predictive Index Note: All slides are optional. Use or edit slides as needed and say what makes sense for your organization. The slides and speaking points are just suggested to make your life easier.

2 We are all awesome! SERIOUS DATA-DRIVEN CAUTIOUS SOCIAL AGGRESSIVE TASK-ORIENTED QUIET PATIENT CALM ENERGETIC INTENSE INFORMAL ORDERLY QUIET FORMAL EMPATHETIC FAST-PACED DIRECT INFORMAL DRIVEN DOMINANT TALKATIVE DETAIL-ORIENTED SELFLESS Our company is full of awesome people. We’re using The Predictive Index to help provide insight into what’s awesome about each person here and how we can make the best out of our strengths, differences, and abilities!

3 How do you predict behavior?
DRIVES NEEDS BEHAVIORS Say something like: But how do they do this? How do they know what’s awesome? PI uses a talent methodology that measures drives, needs and behaviors. Drives create needs and behaviors are then a response to a need. Some drives are born in us – like the drive to survive. Some other drives are the result of heredity, experience and learning.     For example, everyone has the drive to survive. That drive causes us to feel a need to eat food every day. The need to eat food (being hungry) results in the behavior of walking across the street to a café get a sandwich. The drive creates a need and the need results in observable behavior. However, people are different. They have different drives and needs. You may see similar behavior, but the drive and need behind it isn’t the same. For example, some customers are at that café because they are hungry, but others may be there because of a need to socialize and meet up with friends. Again, similar behavior, but the need for being there is different.

4 Don’t accommodate differences.
Love them. Say something like: It’s worth repeating - people are different, and that’s a good thing. We don’t want to just accommodate the differences, we want to love them. We want to make the world a better place. When we understand each others differences we can work more cohesively and get more done.

5 Why Understand Behavior?
Improve Communication & Collaboration Build our teams effectively Hire and onboard the best-fitting people Say something like: And here’s how it will make our professional world better place. The results of the assessment will help…. [List value for your organization and employees]

6 The PI Behavioral Assessment™
What Drives You? Say something like: PI just provides insight into what motivates you or future employees so that we can establish our better professional world. The Behavioral Assessment is scientifically valid, with over 20,000,000 assessments taken (that’s a lot of data to back it up). The results do not include or exclude you from anything.

7 The PI Behavioral Assessment™
Average of 6.5 minutes to complete No right or wrong answers It’s a short assessment that takes less than 10 minutes to complete and provides so much great information for you and our organization. There is no need to study or prepare. There is no judgement. No pass/fail. No wrong answers. Scientifically Valid

8 The PI Job Assessment™ What’s best for the role?
Target Behavioral and Cognitive What’s also great is that we can use a similar assessment to understand the behavioral requirements for a job. The Job Assessment is based on the same Behavioral Assessment so it’s quick and easy, but we learn so much! The Job Assessment provides a way for HR, managers, and other key people who understand the needs of the job, to come together and agree on what behaviors and tactical elements make a specific job successful. Then we can take those expectations into account, along with the company culture and team dynamics, so we can hire the right fit for the job. So don’t be surprised if you get an asking you to fill out an assessment for a job.

9 Reading a Behavioral Pattern
DOMINANCE EXTRAVERSION PATIENCE FORMALITY Say something like: Now this how the Behavioral Assessment figured me out. It goes back to the drives I spoke about before. It measured my drives for dominance, extraversion, patience, and formality. The intensity of these drives create a pattern that provides insights into an employee’s needs and motivations. The Dominance drive shows the need for influence and control over people and things. The Extraversion drives refers to the need for social interaction and social acceptance. The Patience drive refers to the need for consistency and stability in one’s environment. The Formality drive refers to the need for clarity and understanding of rules. This isn’t my pattern, it’s just an example; but as you can see, how intense, or not intense, those drives are create a pattern. You can use the pattern of these drives to understand yourself and others. No pattern is good or bad, right or wrong. In fact, we say “every pattern is beautiful”. It just provides insight into a person’s behavioral tendencies so we can manage, motivate, coach, and develop them in a way that makes sense for each individual. LOW HIGH

10 My Behavioral Pattern (Upload your PI Placard™)
Say something like: So PI isn’t perfect (because what is?) but it nailed me. Here is my pattern and what is said about me: [insert verbiage from your PI report or Personal Development Chart]. Sounds about right, doesn’t it? I want to note that I am happy to be sharing my pattern, because it is meant to be shared. If I kept this to myself, people wouldn’t know how best to work with me or understand why I may behave a certain way. Since there are no bad patterns, everyone should feel free to share their pattern.

11 Behavioral Understanding in Action
Cindy Alan Solution Alan frequently delegates details of plan to Cindy Thorough Detail-oriented Fast-paced Doesn’t plan Say something like: Here’s an example of how PI can be used. Cindy works for Alan. Cindy has a high drive in Patience and Formality, which means Cindy likes to be methodical and take into account the details. Alan, on the other hand, is low in those drives so he has a higher sense of urgency and doesn’t want to get bogged down in the details. Alan and Cindy might get frustrated with each other because Alan feels like she is holding progress back, wasting time on details, while Cindy thinks Alan is moving too fast and not thinking things through. Knowing their patterns, maybe Alan can delegate the details for Cindy to accomplish, freeing Alan to work on a variety of things, while Cindy can gain experience in completing the detailed work and satisfaction in knowing she has “crossed his t’s and dotted his I’s” and has a well-executed plan. Note: Alan is Persuasive and Cindy is a Craftsman.

12 Next Steps Take assessment Get results See more PI Get excited! NAME
PHONE Note: Update with your company’s next steps Say something like: Now it’s time to go over what’s next with PI and check in with any questions. Everyone in the company will be assessed, so you should be expecting an with a link to take the assessment if you have not done so already. We will be scheduling time with each of you so that you can have your results provided or readback to you. From there, we will begin to integrate PI into our various people processes, such as performance reviews, coaching and development, recruiting, hiring, onboarding, etc. During the hiring process, you may be asked to fill out an assessment on what you think a certain position needs from a behavioral perspective, so make sure to fill those out as well. Finally, get excited! Also, here is our in-house expert on PI so if you have any questions, please reach out to them.

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