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Lead up to the American Revolution

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1 Lead up to the American Revolution
French and Indian War Lead up to the American Revolution

2 Tuesday, October 27, 2015 WALT WASI

3 What observations can you make?


5 Seven Years’ War French and Indian War
Major struggle between European powers Took place both across the continents of Europe and North America Biggest involvement from France England Russia Spain

6 French and Indian War Seven Years’ War
Britain to prevent the French from gaining control  In North America Canada Western Pennsylvania Mississippi River

7 Important Territories

8 Seven Years’ War French and Indian War
Firsts Washington Colonial militia Began in North America

9 French and Indian War Seven Years’ War
British asked William Pitt to take over wartime operations Pitt believed control of North America was critical to England as a world power Committed more troops to the war Replaced old leaders with young ones Gave control of recruitment and supplies to local authorities in the colonies and promised to pay them for their work

10 The tides have turned! British blocked the St. Lawrence Seaway, which stopped all French trade to inland towns and the frontier  Quebec Montreal

11 In the end… Even though they fought on the same side, the French and Indian War did NOT bring the British and Americans closer together

12 Navigation Act-1651 Currency Act-1751 Molasses Act-1733
forbade any foreign ships in British colonies Currency Act-1751 to control currency depreciation Molasses Act-1733 to crack down colonial trade with countries other than Britain Proclamation Act-1763  closed off the frontier to colonial expansion Sugar Act-1764 Smuggling was widespread protecting British trade Americans had to pay for their own protection

13 Currency Act-1764 Stamp Act-1765 Quartering Act-1765
to regulate the issue and legal tender status of paper money in the colonial economy Stamp Act-1765 Quartering Act-1765 to provide housing, food and drink to British troops stationed in their towns

14 Declaratory Act-1766 Townshend Act-1767 Repealed the Stamp Act
 Britain asserts its authority to make laws binding the colonists “in all cases whatsoever” including the right to tax Townshend Act-1767 a revenue tax on seventy two consumer goods the New York Restraining Act response to the American colonies' decision to boycott British goods

15 March 5, 1770

16 Tea Act-1773  intended to benefit the East India Company by giving them the monopoly of the American tea market Colonist perceived it as another means of “taxation without representation”

17 December 16, 1773

18 Intolerable (Coercive) Acts-1774
Boston Port Act Closed the port of Boston until the East India Tea company was repaid for the destroyed tea Massachusetts Government Act controlling the local government and to eliminate the obstruction and the execution of British laws Administration of Justice Act limiting the ability for colonial courts to try British officials The Quebec Act enlarged the boundaries of the Province of Quebec and passed reforms favorable to the catholic French majority to boost their loyalty in the face of growing resistance in the New England colonies

19 April 19, 1775

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