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FIN 467 Education on your terms/

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1 FIN 467 Education on your terms/

2 FIN 467 Week 1 Impact of the Real Estate Market For more classes visit FIN 467 Week 1 Impact of the Real Estate Market Use course web links, University Library, Internet, or other sources of literature and select a recent article that discusses the impact of the real estate market FIN 467 Education on your terms/

3 FIN 467 Week 2 Selecting a Property For more classes visit FIN 467 Week 2 Selecting a Property Your investment team has $500,000 available for a commercial real estate investment FIN 467 Education on your terms/

4 FIN 467 Week 2 Study Questions For more classes visit FIN 467 Week 2 Study Questions Complete the following Study Questions: Real Estate Principles: A Value Approach Chapter 10 Study Question 6, pg 270 FIN 467 Education on your terms/

5 FIN 467 Week 3 Real Estate Investor Financing For more classes visit FIN 467 Week 3 Real Estate Investor Financing Keeping in mind the property acquired in Week 2: Find three potential lenders (via Internet and/or local financial institutions). FIN 467 Education on your terms/

6 FIN 467 Week 3 Study Questions For more classes visit FIN 467 Week 3 Study Questions Complete the following Study Questions: FIN 467 Education on your terms/

7 FIN 467 Week 4 Net Operating Income For more classes visit FIN 467 Week 4 Net Operating Income Keeping in mind the property acquired in Week 2: Prepare a 5-year forecast of Net Operating Income in a format similar to Real Estate Finance and Investments FIN 467 Education on your terms/

8 FIN 467 Week 4 Study Questions For more classes visit FIN 467 Week 4 Study Questions Complete the following Study Questions: Real Estate Principles: A Value Approach FIN 467 Education on your terms/

9 FIN 467 Week 5 Discounted Cash Flow Analysis For more classes visit FIN 467 Week 5 Discounted Cash Flow Analysis Using your information from Weeks 3 and 4: Estimate your 5-year before tax cash flow. FIN 467 Education on your terms/

10 FIN 467 Week 5 Final Examination For more classes visit FIN 467 Week 5 Final Examination Access the exam using the link provided. FIN 467 Education on your terms/


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