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Working and Trading Workers started young. They started as apprentice’s. An apprentice is a young person who learns a skill from a more experienced person.

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2 Working and Trading Workers started young. They started as apprentice’s. An apprentice is a young person who learns a skill from a more experienced person. They worked long hours and had very little time off. Being an apprentice was a great opportunity. Most apprentice’s were boys, but there were a few girls. WHY DO YOU THINK MOST APPRENTICE’S WERE BOYS?

3 Colonial Jobs Shoemaker Made shoes from leather and wood Blacksmith Made and repaired iron goods, such as horseshoes, axes, gun parts, and nails. Fisherman Caught cod and other fish in the Atlantic Ocean Cooper Made barrels from wood and iron Printer Printed posters, newspaper, and books Surveyor Made maps and marked boundary lines Miller Ran mills where colonists could grind corn and wheat into flour Merchant Traded goods with England and other countries Dress Maker Made clothes from woven material

4 Colonial Economies Different parts of the colonies were rich in different natural resources New England Colonies – Timber was used to build houses, ships, and barrels. Fishing and whaling were important industries. Middle Colonies – Wheat – The middle colonies were known as “the breadbasket of the colonies.” Southern Colonies – rich soil, warm weather, and plenty of rain. – Small farms to plantations powered by slave work. – Cash crops were tobacco, rice, and indigo (a plant used to make a blue dye)

5 Colonial Trade Routes TRADING CENTERS AND ROUTES As the economy grew, cities became trading centers. Some trade routes were known as triangular trade routes. Slave trade was an important part of colonial trade. WHY DO YOU THINK THAT WAS? MAP OF THE TRIANGULAR TRADE ROUTES

6 CITIES, TOWNS, and FARMS Colonial Towns Many New England Towns were SELF-SUFFICIENT (they relied on themselves for most of what they needed) The meeting house was the most important building in town. WHY? Farmers in the Middle Colonies could sell or trade their crop to the town stores. Southern Plantations Southern plantations were large farms where cash crops such as tobacco, rice, and indigo were grown. Most work was done by slaves Plantations were similar to small towns. They were self-sufficient Plantation owners were wealthy. Day to day work was directed by the plantation manager, known as the overseer. – Slaves could be beaten for not doing as they were told – They had to work from sun up to sun down – Women and Children slaves cooked and cleaned.

7 Slavery in the Colonies Northern Slaves Some slaves were able to earn money by getting jobs at night Could not travel or go onto a ship without written permission WHY WOULD THEY HAVE THIS LAW? Southern Slaves Most slaves worked on plantations Some plantations had hundreds of slaves Some slaves taught plantation owners how to grow a successful crop Some slaves even worked at night Slaves could be sold or traded, breaking apart a family

8 Slavery Some plantation owners did not allow music or instruments for the slaves. WHY? They were worried the slaves were sending secret messages through the music. ENSLAVED PEOPLE FOUND MANY WAYS TO RESIST SLAVERY – They tricked owners by working slow, breaking tools, or pretending to be sick. – Armed rebellions occurred. Stono Rebellion – A group of enslaved people fought with slave owners near the Stono River – About 25 white colonist were killed before the slaves were captured and executed. – Many attempted escape. Many free African men and women, as well as whites, often helped them.

9 REVIEW of Facts and Main Ideas 1.Describe one of the triangular trade routes. 2.What were some of the main goods and products produced in the New England, Middle, and Southern Colonies? 3.Compare and contrast slavery in the northern and southern colonies



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