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© Imperial College LondonPage 1 Construction (Design & Management) Regulations 2007 Denis Murphy Construction Health & Safety Manager.

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Presentation on theme: "© Imperial College LondonPage 1 Construction (Design & Management) Regulations 2007 Denis Murphy Construction Health & Safety Manager."— Presentation transcript:

1 © Imperial College LondonPage 1 Construction (Design & Management) Regulations 2007 Denis Murphy Construction Health & Safety Manager

2 © Imperial College LondonPage 2 CDM 2007-Implications for Clients Managing Risks Why is it important? Moral Legal and Business reasons

3 © Imperial College LondonPage 3 Fatalities in Construction-Pre-1974 Act 1961----------272 deaths- 1971----------156 deaths- 1974 Health & Safety at Work etc Act Stats-Principles of Construction Safety Allen St John Holt

4 © Imperial College LondonPage 4 Fatalities in Construction-Post-1974 Act Blackspot Construction HSE Statistics for 1981-1985 739 people killed in construction. Average 148 deaths each year. ( CDM Regulations Explained by Raymond Joyce )

5 © Imperial College LondonPage 5 FATALITIES Range; 154 max, 59 min Construction Industry Management Regulations 92 CDM Regulations 94 CHSW Regulations 96

6 © Imperial College LondonPage 6 Legal Obligations The Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974 Section 2-duties to protect employees- Section 3-duties to protect non-employees- Section 4-duties to protect others affected by Clients work activities-

7 © Imperial College LondonPage 7 Legal Obligations-Sht 2 The Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999. Reg 3-Risk Assessment- Reg 4-Principles of prevention- Reg 5-Health and Safety arrangements

8 © Imperial College LondonPage 8 Legal Obligations-Sht 3 1992-EEC (EU) Framework Directive on the implementation of minimum safety and health requirements at temporary or mobile construction sites- 92/57/EEC

9 © Imperial College LondonPage 9 Legal Obligations-Sht 4 Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 1994 (31 st March 1995) Revised in 2000 (Regulation 13 Designers Duties revised) 2005/06-Industry wide consultations-

10 © Imperial College LondonPage 10 Legal Obligations-Sht 5 Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2007 In force from 6 th April 2007

11 © Imperial College LondonPage 11 Business Reasons for Managing Risks. Reducing lost time by the elimination of accidents and lost time incidents- Increasing workforce morale and production and retaining skilled staff- Reducing insurance premiums and Defending the organisations reputation

12 © Imperial College LondonPage 12 Business Reasons for managing risk-Sht 2 Report of the Royal Academy of Engineering- The long term costs of owning and using buildings- (1998) states that- typical operating and owning costs of a building are in the ratio: 1 for construction costs 5 for maintenance and operating costs and 200 for business operating costs.

13 © Imperial College LondonPage 13 Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2007 The key aim of CDM 2007 is to integrate health and safety into the management of the project and to encourage everyone to work together to:- a)Improve the planning and management of projects from the very start- b)Identify hazards early on, so they can be eliminated or reduced at the design or planning stages and the remaining risks properly managed-

14 © Imperial College LondonPage 14 Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2007 c) Target effort where it will do most good, in terms of health and safety and d) Discourage unnecessary bureaucracy. The Regulations are intended to focus attention on planning and management throughout the project, from concept design onward. The aim is for health and safety considerations to be treated as an essential, but normal part of a projects development, not as an afterthought or bolt-on extra.

15 © Imperial College LondonPage 15 Competence The 2007 Regulations require the Client to employ competent and adequately resourced people and organisations. (Reg 4(1)(a))

16 © Imperial College LondonPage 16 Competence-Sht 2 The sting in the tail of the 2007 Regulations- Everyone must assess their own competence and resources, before accepting a construction commission!! Regulation 4 (1)(b) states that- No person on whom these Regulations place a duty shall accept such an appointment or engagement, unless he is competent-

17 © Imperial College LondonPage 17 Competence-Sht 3 Imperial College London Support Services have agreed that, in order to set minimum standards, all contractors must register with the- Contractors Health and Safety Assessment Scheme (CHAS)

18 © Imperial College LondonPage 18 Client-Part 2 Duties-all projects. Ensure sufficient resources, including TIME, is available, to permit all duty holders to comply with their duties under the Regulations. (NEW) Ensure co-operation and co-ordination between all parties so that health and safety issues are managed effectively.

19 © Imperial College LondonPage 19 Client-Part 2 Duties-all projects-Sht 2 Provide project specific pre-construction information promptly to those who require it, including any information contained within any existing health and safety file. (NEW) Ensure adequate welfare facilities are provided from the start and maintained throughout the construction phase of the works. (NEW)

20 © Imperial College LondonPage 20 Client-Part 3 Duties-Notifiable projects Appoint a competent and adequately resourced CDM Co-ordinator and Principal Contractor. (NEW) Sign the Clients Declaration of awareness on the revised F10 notification. (NEW)

21 © Imperial College LondonPage 21 Client-Part 3 Duties-Notifiable projects-sht 2 Provide the CDM-C with suitable pre- construction information. (NEW) Ensure a suitable contractors health and safety plan has been prepared, before construction work starts.

22 © Imperial College LondonPage 22 Client-Part 3 Duties-Notifiable projects-Sht 3 Ensure a health and safety file is produced for the project, kept up to date and made readily available to those who need the information.

23 © Imperial College LondonPage 23 Health Warning to Clients Team Clients will be deemed to be undertaking the roles of both CDM Co-ordinator and Principal Contractor, if these Duty Holders have not been appointed at the appropriate time. It has been agreed with Senior Management, that the CDM-C will be appointed, no later than, the start of stage C design. (Regulation 14(1))

24 © Imperial College LondonPage 24 CDM 2007-Summary Notes Background information- Moral, legal and business reasons for good risk management policies and procedures- Key changes for Duty Holders from 1994 Regulations- Increased emphasis on planning and management and Competence issues high on the agenda

25 © Imperial College LondonPage 25 Review of the CDM 2007 Regulations Any Questions?

26 © Imperial College LondonPage 26

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