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Pros & Cons of Using all Season Tires in your Car

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Presentation on theme: "Pros & Cons of Using all Season Tires in your Car "— Presentation transcript:


2 When you are living in an area that is prone to harsh weather conditions like snow storms, it is common for people to take all precaution measure to save their car.

3 The tires of your car bear the brunt of all the bad road surfaces and also the weather conditions which is the reason behind people choosing all seasonal tires.

4 The all seasonal tires in your car can be used in every season of the year, eliminating the need for tire replacement as per the seasons.

5 The all-season tires are not made up of the same compounds as in the case of regular tires and provide a smooth & a quiet ride throughout the year.

6 Here are the pros and cons of using all-season tires in your car.


8 First, let us look at the pros of using all season tires.


10 The all seasonal tires are suitable to use throughout the years as they are designed to take on all weather conditions.

11 As they are made to stand against all kinds of weather conditions, they are durable and have tread wear that performs best in both wet & dry conditions.

12 The all-weather tires are often denoted with an M+S label on their sidewall to symbolize that they are certified to withstand all types of weather conditions.


14 The all-season tires are less costly than seasonal tires as the seasonal tires often need to be replaced after the end of a season.

15 For example, snow tires with full care can last up to six years and most of the cost is incurred while taking your car to the automotive shop for changing them.


17 After looking at the pros. Lets us go through the cons of these all- season tires.


19 The all-season tires are more effective in light snow and will not be able to handle heavy snow storms that is why it is better to use seasonal tires.

20 When the temperature drops drastically, then the tires will lose elasticity which is not at all good for their performance and lifespan


22 The all-season tires have shallow tread patterns that are good at providing smooth rides but are not suitable for heavy snow conditions.

23 Their design doesn't let them have a good grip in heavy snow and ice which makes driving in such conditions unsafe.


25 The above-mentioned factors are all the pros and cons of using all-season tires and it comes down to the personal choice of the driver to choose among them.


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