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Our Four Voices - Happy goddessa

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2 Why do you stay in prison, when the door is so wide open?

3 What are the Four Voices? We all have a physical voice, the one we use to express our self. But we also have an inner voice, an emotional voice, and a mental voice. Our four voices can be used to align the polarities within us. These blocks are low function thoughts, beliefs, behaviors, and feelings that prevent us from living our lives from a place of joy and peace.

4 Inner Voice - Spirit By listening to our Inner Voice and intuition we connect to our true self, our support system, universal truth, and unconditional love.Inner Voice It represents the spring, a time for the blossoming of connection to our essence, our spirit, our inner voice. A time for the power of our passion, desire, and the promise of who we really are to unfold.

5 Physical Voice - Body Energizing our physical voice through singing, breathing, and posture exercises is liberating and joyful.physical voice It represents summertime, a time when we embody and ground our essence/spar in the physical and voice.

6 Emotional Voice - Heart The heart voices are not loud like the physical or mind voices.heart voices You need to listen carefully and let them come out as you would do to a scared little kitten. It represents the Autumn, a time for listening. Listening to our emotions and releasing pain. Allowing space for joy and leadership to enter our life.

7 Mental Voice - Mind For the mental aspects we work through intellectual cognition, the understanding of the journey and personal discovery. The Mental Voice represents winter time, a time for reflection.Mental Voice Here we focus on leadership qualities in our life. We lead our mind and evaluate our plans.

8 To know more visit

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