Production Planning and Control

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Presentation on theme: "Production Planning and Control"— Presentation transcript:

1 Production Planning and Control +91 95030-94040

2 Production Planning and Control 1) Answer any Five. Q1. Discuss the objectives of Production Planning and Control. Q2. What do you understand by Control phase? Explain the activities under this phase. Q3. What are the different demand patterns on which the sales forecasting is based? Explain. Q4. Describe the Delphi method of sales forecasting.

3 Q5. What is work study? Explain excess time. Q6. Explain pre-production procedures with examples. Q7. What is inventory management? Explain the systems of inventory management. Q8. What is E.R.P. ? Describe different uses and benefits of E.R.P. Q9. What are production control techniques? Explain in detail.

4 +91 95030-94040

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