Brand Management

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1 Brand Management +91 95030-94040

2 Brand Management 1.As a Management consultant give your comments on Burnol as a brand. 2. What do you understand by the concept of a Brand? Describe the characteristics of Brands. 3. a. Define the Brand Image. Explain the dimensions of Brand Image. b. What is meant by Brand Identity? Explain the different elements of Brand Identity.

3 4. Discuss in detail the different stages of brand building process. 5. a. What is Brand Audit? Explain its importance. b. Describe the two steps in brand audit. 6. “Positioning is an outcome of our perceptions about the brand relative to the competing brands” – Discuss with examples.

4 7. How do consumers perceive and choose brands? Discuss. 8. What are the different phases of strategic brand management process? 9. Discuss the “TEN COMMANDMENTS” of Global Branding.

5 +91 95030-94040

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