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Bigday Worth Remembering Through Photo Montage

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Presentation on theme: "Bigday Worth Remembering Through Photo Montage"— Presentation transcript:


2 It is the new emerging trend in the field of photography.

3 Photomontag e is the process & the result of making a composite photograph.

4 It is done by cutting, gluing, rearranging & overlapping two or more photographs into a new image.

5 Why should you make a photo montage?

6 Photo montage videos make great & unique gifts for every occasion.

7 From birthdays to mother ' s day gift it is a fantastic way to enjoy, preserve and document your cherished memories.

8 Once you have one of these done it will become the priceless possession that you will watch again & again.

9 It is fairly inexpensive to make & is loved across all age groups.

10 What should you show?

11 There is no limitation to what you put in your photo montage.

12 Give a montage gift that captures the highlights of your child ' s life to the special people in your life.

13 You can also make a montage of your wedding.

14 Starting from where you met your special person for the day of your wedding chronicling the entire journey.

15 You can also make pre - wedding behind the scene photo montage.

16 Make a photo montage of your graduation day, which shows your journey through your college days.

17 Photomontag e is not confined to any particular occasion which means you can put anything into it.

18 Conclusion

19 It truly makes a one of a kind, special gift, & they are fairly inexpensive.

20 A photomontag e video is literally the gift of a lifetime because it documents the subject ' s life through photographs.

21 In the years ahead, it will be a dramatic trip down memory lane – highlightin g all the memorable moments of your life.

22 /CreativeEventServicesInc /cesevents /creativeeventservices/ /user/CreativEventServices /company/creative-event- services Thank you!

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