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Review of the Nation of Israel

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1 Review of the Nation of Israel
Title Slide: Review of the Nation of Israel…

2 The Flood/Babel God destroyed the wicked world.
Genesis 6-9 The world again became wicked. Genesis 10 God scattered the people when they built the Tower of Babel. Genesis 11 The Flood and Babel: God destroyed the world He had created—Gen.6-9. Afterward, the world again became wicked—Gen.10 God scattered the people when they built The Tower of Babel—Gen.11…

3 The Promises “Now the LORD had said to Abram: Get out of your country, from your family and from your father's house, to a land that I will show you. I will make you a great nation; I will bless you and make your name great; and you shall be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you, and I will curse him who curses you; and in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed…To your descendants I will give this land…” {Genesis 12:1-3,7} The Promises: (1) Nation (2) Land (3) Seed—Gen.12:1-3,7…

4 Jacob’s Sons Leah Rachel Bilhah (Rachel’s maid) Zilpah (Leah’s maid)
Reuben Simeon Levi Judah Issachar Zebulun Rachel Joseph Benjamin Bilhah (Rachel’s maid) Dan Naphtali Zilpah (Leah’s maid) Gad Asher 12 Tribes of Israel—Sons of Jacob…

5 God’s People in Egypt After Joseph’s death, a dynasty change
People placed in bitter slavery Moses called to bring them out The plagues Crossing the Red Sea The nation is born—1st promise God’s people in Egypt. After Joseph’s death, a dynasty change People placed in bitter bondage Moses called to bring them out Crossing the Red Sea The nation is born—promise #1—NATION…

6 Wandering in the Wilderness
Punishment for lack of faith The Law given on Mount Sinai Building the Tabernacle Moses’ final messages Joshua, the new leader Wandering in the Wilderness… Punishment for lack of faith The Law given on Mount Sinai Building the tabernacle Moses’ final messages …

7 The Land of Conquest Conquest of Canaan Fall of Jericho
North and south campaigns Did not drive out all inhabitants Division of the land Joshua’s final challenge Promise #2—The land! The Land of Conquest… Conquest of Canaan Fall of Jericho North and south campaigns Did not drive out all the inhabitants Division of the land Joshua’s final challenge Promise #2—The land!

8 The Period of Judges People who did not know God
God sent other nations to oppress them Judges rose up to deliver them Apostate from their covenant Period of 350 years; 15 different judges: Othniel—Samuel The Period of Judges… People who did not know God God sent other nations to oppress them Judges rose up to deliver them Apostate from their covenant Period of 350 years; 15 different Judges—Othniel—Samuel

9 United Kingdom The people demand a king
Saul was the first king selected. David, a man after God’s own heart Solomon excels in wisdom Immense building programs Temple and palace Heavy taxes take a toll on the people The United Kingdom… The people demand a king Saul was the first king selected David, a man after God’s own heart Solomon excels in wisdom Immense building programs Temple and palace Heavy taxes take a toll on the people …

10 Divided Kingdom Jeroboam revolts with ten tribes (North)
Rehoboam left with two tribes (South) Israel and Judah—a nation divided! Wicked kings in the North; captivity in Assyria in 722 B.C. Wicked kings in Judah; 135 years later (586 B.C.), Judah went into Babylonian captivity. A remnant would return in 70 years. The Divided Kingdom… Jeroboam revolts with ten tribes to North Rehoboam left with two tribes (the South) Israel and Judah—a nation divided Wicked kings in the North—captivity in Assyria in 722 B.C. Wicked kings in Judah; 135 years later, (586 B.C.), Judah went into Babylonian captivity. A remnant would return in 70 years …

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