Human Rights Violations

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Presentation on theme: "Human Rights Violations"— Presentation transcript:

1 Human Rights Violations

2 Here's how to play JEOPARDY!
(Teachers - make sure you download and read the Setup Instructions!) The class will be split into two teams, the RED team and the GREEN team. When a question is displayed, the RED team will use the ABCD keys on their clickers to 
answer. The GREEN team will use the EFGH keys to answer. The team with the HIGHEST PERCENTAGE of correct responses will earn the points for 
that question, AND the right to pick the next category! Let's do a practice question to make sure everybody understands how to play. Go on to the Practice Question

3 F G A B C E The Florida Gators Who is the greatest teacher?
Sample Question 1 Insert Question Here Who is the greatest teacher? A A Mrs. Kempton E B Teacher B F C Teacher C G B C D E F The Florida Gators G H Music Go on to the Game Board

4 Holocaust Rwanda Bosnia Dafaur Cambodia $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 Drag a blue tile over used squares!

5 Score Board Red Team Green Team Back to Game Board

6 Kristallnacht Pogroms Gestapo Nuremberg F E G H 100 pts
Insert Question Here After the war, those responsible for crimes 
committed during the Holocaust were brought 
to trial. What were these trials called? A B C A Kristallnacht E B Pogroms F C Gestapo G D Nuremberg H D E F G H Music Score Back

7 Ghetto Extermination Final Solution Kristallnacht F E G H
200 pts 2 Insert Question Here What was the Nazi's plan to exterminate the 
Jews? A B A Ghetto E B Extermination F C Final Solution G D Kristallnacht H C D E F Hide Correct Answer Behind Here G H Music Score Back

8 Hide Correct Answer Behind Here
300 pts 3 Insert Question Here The violent attacks on the Jews in Germany 
during WWII where known as... A B A Final Solution E B Kristallnacht F C Gestapo G D Concentration Camps H C D E F Hide Correct Answer Behind Here G H Music Score Back

9 Extermination Camps Concentration Camps Ghettos Final Solutions F E G
400 pts 4 Insert Question Here What was the name for the camps built to kill 
millions of people by gassing, extreme work or 
starvation? A B A Extermination Camps E B Concentration Camps F C Ghettos G D Final Solutions H C D E F G H Music Score Back

10 To prevent the Jews from marrying
500 pts 5 Insert Question Here Why were the Jews forced to wear the Star of 
David? A B A To prevent the Jews from marrying E B So they could be easily identified F C To place them into the correct camp G D To correctly put them on trial H C D E F Hide Correct Answer Behind Here G H Music Score Back

11 Which groups makes up the majority inof hte population?
100 pts 1 Insert Question Here Which groups makes up the majority inof hte 
population? A B A Hutus E B Tutsis F C D E F G H Music Score Back

12 During colonizations, which group did Belgians favor?
200 pts 2 Insert Question Here During colonizations, which group did Belgians 
favor? A B A Hutus E B Tutsis F C G D H C D E F e G H Music Score Back

13 What tool was used to spark the genocide?
300 pts 3 Insert Question Here What tool was used to spark the genocide? A A Propaganda posters hung in the towns E B Videos shown on TV F C Propaganda over the radio G D Indoctrination in the schools H B C D E F G H Music Score Back

14 What was the initial response from the world?
400 pts 4 Insert Question Here What was the initial response from the world? A A The U.N. withdrew forces from Rwanda E B Only the U.S. sent troops to Rwanda F C Many nations sent troops to Rwanda G D There was a meeting at in Germany H B C D E F G H Music Score Back

15 Three Years 100 Days One Year 300 Days F E H G 500 pts
Insert Question Here How long did the genocide take place? A A Three Years E B 100 Days F C One Year G D 300 Days H B C D E F G H Music Score Back

16 What country was Bosnia once apart of?
100 pts 1 Insert Question Here What country was Bosnia once apart of? A A Serbia E B Yugoslavia F C Germany G D Italy H B C D E F G H Music Score Back

17 Who led the genocide in Bosnia?
200 pts 2 Insert Question Here Who led the genocide in Bosnia? A A Slobodan Milosevic E B Hitler F C Pol Pot G D Stalin H B C D E F G H Music Score Back

18 Who was the target of the genocide?
300 pts 3 Insert Question Here Who was the target of the genocide? A A Buddhist E B Jews F C Christians G D Muslims H B C D E F G H Music Score Back

19 What was the response from the U.N.?
400 pts 4 Insert Question Here What was the response from the U.N.? A A Did not respond to crisis E B Sent troops into Serbia F C Had a meeting with the government of 
Bosnia G D Asked other nations to react to crisis H B C D E F G H Music Score Back

20 How did the world respond to the genocide?
500 pts 5 Insert Question Here How did the world respond to the genocide? A A Countries set up sanctions on Serbia E B Countries sent troops to Bosnia F C Countries had a meeting with the Serbian 
government G D There was no response from other nations H B C D E F G H Music Score Back

21 Where is Darfur located?
100 pts 1 Insert Question Here Where is Darfur located? A A Eqypt E B Chad F C Uganda G D Sudan H B C D E F G H Music Score Back

22 Arab tribesmen Non-Arab tribesmen F E H G 200 pts
Insert Question Here Who were the Janjaweed? A A Arab tribesmen E B Non-Arab tribesmen F C G D H B C D E F G H Music Score Back

23 How is the government of Sudan addressing the crisis?
300 pts 3 Insert Question Here How is the government of Sudan addressing the 
crisis? A B A They have attacked the Janjaweed E B They are working with the U.N. troops F C They have jailed all officials G D They refuse to cooperate H C D E F G H Music Score Back

24 What was the international response to the crisis?
400 pts 4 Insert Question Here What was the international response to the 
crisis? A B A The President of Sudan has been charged E B The U.N. sent in troops F C The U.S. has sent in troops G D There has been no response H C D E F G H Music Score Back

25 It is still going on today
500 pts 5 Insert Question Here How is the crisis in Darfur different than all other 
genocides we have studied? A B A It is still going on today E B More people were killed F C It was government sponsored G D There was no international response H C D E F G H Music Score Back

26 What type of leader was Pol Pot?
100 pts 1 Insert Question Here What type of leader was Pol Pot? A A Democratic E B Fascist Totalitarian F C Communist Totalitarian G D Dictator H B C D E F nd Here G H Music Score Back

27 Khmer Rouge Gestapo Red Shirts People Pile F E H G 200 pts
Insert Question Here What was Pol Pot's political group called? A A Khmer Rouge E B Gestapo F C Red Shirts G D People Pile H B C D E F Hide Correct Answer Behind Here G H Music Score Back

28 Hide Correct Answer Behind Here
300 pts 3 Insert Question Here Who did Pol Pot Target? A A The Farmers E B The Factory Workers F C Peasants G D The educated H B C D E F Hide Correct Answer Behind Here G H Music Score Back

29 In 1994, the world finally responded to the genocide, what was done?
400 pts 4 Insert Question Here In 1994, the world finally responded to the 
genocide, what was done? A B A Conducted tribunals E B Killed Pol Pot F C Burned all work camps G D Sent Pol Pot to jail H C D E F G H Music Score Back

30 What were the collective and mass graves known as?
500 pts 5 Insert Question Here What were the collective and mass graves 
known as? A B A Dachau E B Auschwitz F C Communes G D Killing Fields H C D E F G H Music Score Back

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