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Comparing Reproduction Styles

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1 Comparing Reproduction Styles

Reproduction is the creation of new individuals from existing individuals This can happen in two ways: SEXUAL REPRODUCTION ASEXUAL REPRODUCTION

3 Reproduction comes in two “flavors” (draw this chart on your paper)
Sexual Repro Asexual Repro # of Parents Offspring Variation Speed Energy Required Efficient? 3

4 Sexual Reproduction Most people know how this happens 
No, you don’t have to diagram anatomy Male parent cell + female parent cell Half of the genetic information from each parent Some organisms have both male and female parts (eg. Worms, trees, flowers, some fish)

5 Sexual Reproduction - Advantages
Big asset to sexual reproduction is that the offspring will NOT be the same as the parents. Since only ½ of the genetic blueprint comes from each parent, VARIATION is high. Offspring can survive where parents cannot

6 Sexual Reproduction - Disadvantages
Takes lots of energy to form sex cells: eggs/sperm/pollen Takes lots of time to locate a mate, then convince that mate that “you are the one.” Is not very efficient – many cells are lost

7 Examples of Sexual Reproduction:
Mammals Birds Fish Insects Plants that produce pollen Pollen is plant sperm No wonder it makes you sneeze! If it has flowers = sexual reproduction

8 Fill in the “Sexual” half of your chart
Sexual Repro Asexual Repro # of Parents Offspring Variation Speed Energy Required Efficient?

9 Some Common Forms of Asexual Reproduction:
Budding Stolons Fragmentation Regeneration Binary Fission (split in 2)

10 Budding Offspring grows out of the body of the parent.
Offspring breaks off when it is mature enough. Example: Hydra tulips

11 Stolons Plants that are in a good location send out a runner
This runner becomes a new plant that can be separated Eg. strawberries, Aspen - largest

12 Fragmentation Parent breaks into pieces
Each piece can regenerate to produce an offspring Example: Planaria – divides down the middle

13 Regeneration If a piece of a parent is detached, it can re-grow the detached part to become whole again. The detached portion can also re-grow the missing parts to become whole again Example: Sea Stars

14 Binary Fission Binary means 2 Fission means split Happens mostly in
simple, single celled organisms Example: bacteria

15 Man-Made Asexual Reproduction
Grafting Cloning

16 Grafting Done only with human intervention
A tree trunk is grafted onto healthy root stock. Eg: Apple Trees

17 Cloning A human takes an egg cell from a donor female and a somatic (i.e. skin) cell from a second donor, then places the nucleus of the somatic cell into the egg cell. The human implants the “complete” embryo into a third surrogate mother, then the embryo develops and is born like a regular baby. Eg: Dolly the Sheep

18 Fill in the “Asexual” half of your chart
Sexual Repro Asexual Repro # of Parents Offspring Variation Speed Energy Required Efficient?

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