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Importance of Food Experiences to the Total Program

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1 Importance of Food Experiences to the Total Program

2 Children learn to describe things (cause and effect of the ingredients, texture, smell, colors)
Children learn about tastes (sweet, sour, salty..) Children observe changes (from liquid to solid…)

3 Children learn to express themselves (using language)
Children learn about others (ethnic food)

4 Food Activities and Skill Building
Small-muscle coordination Simple measuring skills Social skills Health and Safety (hygiene and safe materials) Math Science Language

5 Guidelines for Creative Food Activities
Activities should be open ended Activities should be challenging but not too difficult Activities should be varied The process is more important than the product Activities should be done indoor and outdoors

6 Planning Children’s abilities should be matched to the food experience
Write the recipe ahead of time Provide enough materials Focus on the learning outcome and objectives

7 Food Allergies: How to respond to allergies and food intolerance.
A complete list of foods that can trigger a reaction. Symptoms this child exhibits after contact with allergenic foods. Emergency response.

8 Safe storage and handling of medications, including signed parent and health care provider authorizations. Documentation of allergic reaction events. Training of appropriate staff and volunteers about preventing exposure to the allergenic foods and emergency response.

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