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Le déjeuner aux écoles en France et aux États-Unis

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Presentation on theme: "Le déjeuner aux écoles en France et aux États-Unis"— Presentation transcript:

1 Le déjeuner aux écoles en France et aux États-Unis
À la Cantine Le déjeuner aux écoles en France et aux États-Unis

2 First course: Cucumber and tomato salad
Main course: Veal marinated with mushrooms, broccoli, cheese Dessert: Apple tart

3 First course: Cabbage and tomato salad
Main course: Roast beef, potatoes, baked tomatoes with herbs, cheese Dessert: Kiwi

4 First course: Tabouleh (made with bulgur)
Main course: Sausages, zucchini Dessert: Ice cream, apple

5 First course: Potato and pickle salad
Main course: Breaded fish, cauliflower, cheese Dessert: Peach







12 Potage Courgettes à la niçoise Omelette au fromage Banane Loosely and unglamorously translated by me: Soup, zucchini with tomatoes and olives, cheese omelet, banana

13 Taboulé Sauté de porc aux pruneaux Haricots verts Emmental Tarte aux pommes Loosely and unglamorously translated by me: Tabbouleh, sauteed pork with prunes, green beans, Emmental cheese, apple tart

14 Blé en salade Cordon bleu de dinde Salsifis sauce poulette Cantal Pomme Loosely and unglamorously translated by me: Wheat/grain salad, turkey Cordon bleu, oyster plant (salsify) with white sauce, cantal cheese and apple

15 Pamplemousse Rôti de boeuf Pureé crécy Yaourt bifidus vanille Loosely and unglamorously translated by me: Grapefruit, roast beef, puree of potato and carrots, pro-biotic yogurt

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