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The First World War: “The War To End All Wars” MOD 7

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1 The First World War: “The War To End All Wars” MOD 7

2 Causes of the War: M.A.I.N. Historians have traditionally cited four long-term causes of the First World War MILITARISM – The growth of nationalism and imperialism led to increased military spending ALLIANCE SYSTEM – By 1907 Europe was divided into two armed camps (allies and central powers) IMPERIALISM – Economic and political control over weaker nations NATIONALISM – a devotion to the interests and culture of one’s nation

3 Causes of World War I: Militarism: Alliance System: Imperialism:
European nations built large armies (especially Germany) Other nations tried to keep up (naval power) Alliance System: Allies, consisted of France, Britain, and Russia (US would join later) Central Powers, consisted of Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy Imperialism: Nations around the world were overtaking weaker ones Provided the resources to build a larger empire Nationalism National pride led to rivalries and conflicts between nations

4 Two Armed Camps! Allied Powers: Central Powers:

5 The Causes of World War I
Analyze Charts Which nation had the largest navy at the beginning of World War I? Which had the most troops?

6 3. Economic & Imperial Rivalries



9 The Spark: An Assassination:
Many countries were competing for access to the Ottoman Empire (present day Turkey) Russia wanted access to the Mediterranean Sea Germany wanted a rail link to the Ottoman Empire Archduke Franz Ferdinand heir to the Austrian throne was gunned down by an assassin while visiting the city of Sarajevo (Bosnia)

10 The Assassination: Sarajevo


12 THE FIGHTING BEGINS The Schliefflen Plan
Russia pledged to protect Serbia Germany saw Russia’s movement as aggression against Austria-Hungry Germany declared war on France Alliance system pulled one nation after another into the conflict – The Great War had begun Schlieffen Plan This plan called for a quick strike through Belgium to Paris, France Great Britain declared war on Germany Next, Germany would attack Russia The plan was designed to prevent a two-front war for Germany Many countries believed that a strong military force would prevent war. 30 Countries fought in the “Great War” The Schliefflen Plan

13 The War Becomes A Stalemate:
Trench warfare – hand dug channels that were created all across Europe There were 3 types of trenches: front line Support Reserve “no man’s land” – an area pockmarked with shell craters and filled with barbed wire WWI Trench Warefare footage


15 Trench Warfare “No Man’s Land”


17 First Battle of the Somme:
During the First Battle of the Somme - the British suffered 60,000 casualties the first day! Final casualties for the First Battle of the Somme totaled 1.2 million, yet only 7 miles of ground was gained This bloody trench warfare, in which armies fought for mere yards of ground, lasted for three years Gas attacks were common features of trench life and often caused blindness and lung disease

18 Should America Join the Fight?
In 1914, most Americans saw no reason to join a struggle 3,000 miles away – they wanted neutrality Many Americans felt close to the British because of a shared ancestry and language Many immigrants saw their countries being ripped apart. USA aids Allies Weapons & Supplies They used the sea to transport the goods Germany warned that any ship found in the waters around Britain would be sunk

19 The Lusitania Disaster:
The Lusitania was a British passenger liner A German U-boat sank the Lusitania, killing all aboard (1200 people) including 128 American tourists The Germans claimed the ship was carrying Allied ammunition Sussex Pledge – not to sink merchant vessels without warning


21 Steps Leading Towards War:
Woodrow Wilson campaigned on the idea of “neutrality” _________________________ 1. He tried to speak with German officials in hopes of peace (they ignored him) 2. 4 more American ships were sunk by U-boats 3. Germany was also trying to ally with Mexico and promised to give them back American lands in return for help (Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona) Zimmerman Note

22 The Zimmerman Telegram

23 America Declares War: Wilson had reached his breaking point
“The world must be safe for democracy” Congress passed the resolution a few days later Declared war to protect the seas.

24 US Joins the War Section 2

25 American Power Tips The Balance:
America was not ready for war – only 200,000 men were in service when war was declared! Domestic Issues Little Interest in foreign affairs Immigration, Industrialization, Progressive Era Selective Service Act (Draft) - required men to register with the government to be randomly selected to serve in the military About 2 million American troops would reach Europe Many of them were poorly trained

26 American War Hero Alvin York Conscientious Objector
Morally opposes war “Thou shall not kill” Killed 25 Germans Captured 132 prisoners

27 America Mobilizes for War
America’s Budget: Army 1917- $377,941 1918 – $4,869,955 Navy $239,633 $1,278,840 What supplies are needed? For Soldiers/Sailors Training Transportation Convoy System

28 Fighting “Over There” American infantry were nicknamed “doughboys”
General John J. Pershing led a group called the American Expeditionary Force.- this was a group of newly trained, rural farm boys that got called in to fight American infantry were nicknamed “doughboys” white belts / buttons (they polished with a white clay – “dough”) Also viewed as being very “soft”

29 New Weapons of War: Machine Guns – Guns could now fire 600 rounds per minute The Tank – New steel tanks ran on caterpillar treads (semi-bullet proof) Airplanes –The British had a fleet of planes that could deliver bomb loads Poison Gas – mustard gas was used to subdue the enemy

30 The Collapse Of Germany:
Germany’s partner, Austria-Hungary, finally surrendered to the allies Other revolts followed, and Germany was too exhausted to continue Sailors started to mutiny So at the eleventh hour, on the eleventh day, of the eleventh month of 1918, Germany signed a truce ending the Great War Armistice Nov

31 The Final Toll: WW I was the bloodiest war in history up to that time.
Deaths numbered about 22 million. (more than half were civilians) 20 million additional people were wounded. The cost of the war was around $338 billion. The US lost 48,000 men in battle and another 62,000 from disease.

32 The War at Home 7.3

33 The War At Home: The entire nation of US had to focus on the war
economy was focused on the war effort Total War Consumer goods to war supplies Business owners and government started to work together In the process, the power of the U.S. government expanded Direct control over the economy Fix prices Nationalize war related industries.

34 War Industries Board: The War Industries Board encouraged companies to use mass-production techniques Bernard M, Baruch Under the WIB, industrial production and wages increased 20% People and the war effort National War Labor Board “work or fight” Labor disputes were kept to a minimum because the affect they would have on production

35 A Culture of Change: To conserve food, Wilson set up the Food Administration The FA declared one day a week “meatless” another “sweetless” two days “wheatless” and two other days “porkless” Homeowners planted “victory gardens” in their yards Farmers increased production by almost 30% by adding 40 million acres of farmland

36 Selling The War: Propaganda
The U.S. had two major tasks Raising money Convincing the public to support the war The U.S. spent $35.5 billion on the war effort The government raised about 1/3 of that through an income tax and “sin” taxes The rest was raised through war bonds sold to the public Propaganda To popularize the war, the government set up the nations first propaganda agency Committee on Public Information George Creel led the agency and persuaded many of the nation’s artists to create thousands of paintings, posters, cartoons and sculptures to promote the war



39 Attacks On Civil Liberties:
As the war progressed, Civil Liberties were compromised German and Austrian-Hungarian immigrants were targets Hamburger – Freedom Burger German not taught in school Congress decided to pass the Espionage and Sedition Acts – Interfere with the War Effort Saying anything disloyal, profane or abusive Eugene V. Debs – 10 yrs in prison Speaking out against the war and draft went against the spirit of the First Amendment (Free speech) Is it morally right to protest during war times?

40 The Great Migration By the thousands, southern African Americans streamed into northern cities such as Chicago and Detroit Black populations of these communities rose sharply This major relocation of African Americans is known as the Great Migration

41 The War Changes U.S. Society
Social Changes Women War helped women gain momentum for voting Women replace me in the workplace Munition factories, telegraph operators Red Cross Doctors, Nurses, ambulance drivers Army Corps of Nurses War effort convinced Pres. Wilson to support Women’s Suffrage th Amendment Passed

42 Causes of the Flu: In 1918, a Flu Epidemic killed as many as 500,000 in the U.S. before it disappeared in 1919 Worldwide, the epidemic killed more than 50 million people (More than the death toll of World War I !)

43 Wilson Fights for Peace 7.4

44 Wilson Fights For Peace:
Wilson’s plan for peace would be rejected by the Allies Wilson’s plan was called the “Fourteen points” Included in his “points” were: No secret treaties Freedom of the Seas More free trade Reduction of arms Less colonialism League of Nations to promote peace Wilson’s 14 pts. In his own shorthand

45 The Allies Reject Wilson’s Plan:
League of Nations – an international organization to address worldly problems Treaty of Versailles Treaty to end WWI Punish / Blame Germany Prevent another World War Germany No Army / Air Force Give land back to France Reparations pay $33 billion in reparations to the Allies Broke up the Austro-Hungarian Empire and the Ottoman Empire empires



48 The Weaknesses Of The Treaty:
The Treaty humiliated the Germans - War-Guilt Clause forcing them to admit sole responsibility for the war Germany would never be able to pay $33 billion in reparations – war damages to other countries Germany was furious! – this would lead into WW II

In the United States, the Treaty was hotly debated especially the League of Nations Many wanted the U.S. Congress to maintain the right to declare war (Constitution) Didn’t want to get pulled into another European Conflict. Ultimately, Congress rejected U.S. involvement in the very League the U.S. President had created The U.S. never did join the league

50 THE LEGACY OF WWI At home, the war strengthened both the military and the power of the government The propaganda campaign provoked powerful fears in society For many countries the war created political instability and violence that lasted for years Russia established the first Communist state during the war Americans called World War I, “The War to end all Wars” --- however unresolved issues would eventually drag the U.S. into an even deadlier conflict WWI 22 million dead, more than half civilians. An additional 20 million wounded.

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