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Correlates of delinquency

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Presentation on theme: "Correlates of delinquency"— Presentation transcript:

1 Correlates of delinquency
Gender Differences Aggression Anger vs. depression Visual spatial vs. verbal skills Competition vs. relationships Reasons: nature vs. nurture

2 Gender Masculinity hypothesis Precocious sexuality
Hormonal differences; testosterone vs. premenstrual syndrome, leading to aggression Evolutionary differences

3 Gender Socialization differences Chivalry hypothesis Fallen/evil women
Differences in socialization expectations and level of supervision Social backgrounds of male and female differences are similar

4 Gender Violent behavior 9:1 Boys more likely to use a gun
Both tend to assault/kill people they know Property crime/drugs 5:1, more common among females

5 Family & delinquency Changing American family Family composition
Working and child care Economics Child abuse and neglect

6 Correlates of delinquency
Attachment: affectional tie between adult and child Normally appears during the first few months of life; noticeable around 4-5 months Two way street: adaptive value

7 Attachment Necessary to growth (failure to thrive syndrome) and development (cognitive) Children who do not form an attachment during the first two years of life typically have behavioral problems, difficulties in relationships and do more poorly in school Attachment helps parent to control the child; approval/disapproval has an impact

8 Correlates Delinquency more frequently associated with lack of attachment, on the part of child and/or parent Parents more likely not to “follow through” on efforts for their children Attachment associated with: babies that are attractive, easy to take care of, stable environment

9 Attachment Lack of attachment associated with: difficult babies, sick or premature babies, chaotic environment Recent research suggests that providing very early interventions with high risk mothers, home visits, etc., has an impact on later delinquency

10 Discipline Hallmark is inconsistent discipline
Not necessarily a lack of discipline, as is commonly thought Inconsistency in terms of rewards for desired behaviors, punishment for undesired behaviors

11 Supervision Delinquency associated with lack of supervision/neglect
Lack of supervision might be associated with lack of attachment Parents who keep close tabs on where their children are, who they are with, and monitor frequently, are less likely to produce delinquents

12 Family structure Large family size associated with delinquency, particularly among the poor Middle children Having older male siblings, particularly if they are delinquent Having older sisters is protective (may be a supervision factor)

13 Parental deviance Parental deviance (criminality, substance abuse) associated with delinquency Related problems: ADHD, alcoholism have a genetic basis and may be associated with delinquency 8% of youths with noncriminal fathers become delinquent, vs. 37% of those with criminal fathers

14 Parental deviance Maternal depression associated with delinquency (might involve lack of supervision) Alcoholism and substance abuse are associated with neglect, lack of supervision and delinquency

15 Broken homes

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