SSWH11 Students will investigate political and social changes in Japan and in China from the 17th century CE to mid-19th century CE.

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Presentation on theme: "SSWH11 Students will investigate political and social changes in Japan and in China from the 17th century CE to mid-19th century CE."— Presentation transcript:

1 SSWH11 Students will investigate political and social changes in Japan and in China from the 17th century CE to mid-19th century CE.

2 Tokugawa Japan Oda Nobunaga Tokugawa Shogunate
Warrior who unified Japan by force and established the: Tokugawa Shogunate Military government that was supposed to be temporary but ended up ruling Japan from Feudalism

Emperor = no power Shogun = all the power Shogun: supreme military commander Samurai: warriors practiced bushido (like chivalry) Daimyo: landowners (nobles) Peasants: 75% of population Artisans & Merchants: lowest classes


5 Social Rules Shogun limited the power of the daimyo by requiring them to live in capital (Edo: present day Tokyo) every other year People in lower classes could not wear silk clothing

6 Impacts Due to peace, the Japanese economy boomed
Increase in food surplus caused rapid population growth Trade and Cities expanded

7 Isolation At first welcomed Westerners
Christian missionaries were successful in gaining converts As #s of Christians grew, they were seen as a threat By mid-1600s, all foreigners were kicked out & Christians persecuted Remained isolated for >200 years.

8 QING DYNASTY (CHINA): Established by the Manchus in 1600s
2nd time China was ruled by foreigners Highest political posts filled by Manchu Chinese Confucian scholars remained in the bureaucracy to do day-to-day work of the empire


10 Social Separation Manchu forbid intermarriage between Manchu & Chinese
Chinese men forced to shave their heads except for a ponytail (queue) in the back as a sign of submission to the dynasty. Women remained lower than men foot binding

11 KANGXI (1661-1722) Emperor & military leader
Expanded Chinese borders into Central Asia

12 Population Growth New crops from Americas (corn)
Grew >50% in 60 years More people = more trade

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