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Japan and China’s Absolute Rulers

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1 Japan and China’s Absolute Rulers
SSWH 11 a Describe the policies of Tokugawa and Qing rulers; Oda Nobunaga and Kangxi.

2 Japan experienced a time of unrest 1467-1568
Created a new feudal state Daimyo, warrior chieftains, became lords and gave protection, homes, & work to the peasants

3 Oda Nobunaga Brutal & ambitious daimyo who fought to gain control and attempts to unify Japan He defeated his rivals & took control of the capital Kyoto – 1568 He ruled the empire by force but never unified Japan – committed suicide

4 Tokugawa Unites Japan Tokugawa Ieyasu completed unification in 1600
Became Shogun, sole ruler, in 3 years of defeating rivals & gaining loyalty of daimyos He moves the capital to Edo (Tokyo)

5 Daimyos still governed locally, to keep them from rebelling Tokugawa forced them to stay in the capital every other year “Alternate Attendance Policy” Law became mightier than the sword Tokugawa Shogunate ruled until 1867, giving Japan order

6 China for 200 years had ineffective rulers, corrupt officials, & the govt. went bankrupt caused civil strife

7 Qing Dynasty 1644 – Manchus invaded China and overthrew Ming dynasty
Manchus took name Qing & ruled for 260 years Fought many rebellious Chinese but slowly gained respect

8 Kept Confuscian ideas and teachings & social structures
Restored China’s prosperity and made the country safer for travel

9 Kangxi of Qing Dynasty Emperor of China in 1661 and ruled for 60 years
Reduced govt. expenses and lowered taxes Educated man, socialized with artists and foreigners (gave some jobs within the govt.)

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