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The righteous will live by faith

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Presentation on theme: "The righteous will live by faith"— Presentation transcript:

1 The righteous will live by faith
Romans 1: 16-17

2 But this is us… Romans 1: 18-32

3 No excuse – only wrath Romans 2: 1-11

4 Want to try by following the law?
Romans 2: 17-24

5 Any advantage to being a Jew?
Romans 3: 1-2

6 Does our faithlessness affect God’s faithfulness?
Romans 3: 3-4

7 The worse we are the better God is?
Romans 3: 5-8

8 We are a MESS! Romans 3: 9-18 A damnable MESS! Romans 3: 19-20

9 A glimmer of hope! Romans 3: 21

10 Law & Prophets testify Genesis 15: 6 Job 9: 32-35 Psalm 32: 1-2
Habakkuk 2: 4

11 God’s righteousness by faith in Christ
Romans 3: 22

12 No difference ALL have sinned
Romans 3: 22-23

13 Justification Redemption Atonement Faith, Faith, Faith…
Romans 3: 23-31

14 not even ten Genesis 18: 20-33

15 How can a man be righteous before God?
Job 4: 17 Job 9: 2 Job 15: 14

16 Justification Redemption Atonement Faith, Faith, Faith…
Romans 3: 23-31

17 Then how was Abraham declared righteous?
Romans 4

18 Father of Jew AND Gentile
Romans 4: 12-14 Romans 9: 6b-8 Genesis 12

19 Hebrew year = 5778 Christ = minus 2017 = 3761 Law = minus 1500 = 2261 Abraham = minus 500 = 1761 Year “0” – do not eat From “0” to 2261 – Law? Romans 5: 13-14

20 Against all hope As good as dead
Romans 4: 18-25 Death for our sin Life for our justification

21 Therefore: Justification Faith & Peace Grace & Hope
Romans 5: 1-2

22 Suffering > perseverance >
Hope of Glory of God > > > Romans 5: 3-5 > > Suffering > perseverance > character > hope > > > > > >

23 At just the right time -powerless & sinful- Christ died for us
Romans 5: 6-8

24 justified reconciled how much more!
Romans 5: 9-11

25 Original sin > death was there sin before the Law?
Romans 5: 12-14

26 Hebrew year = 5778 Christ = minus 2017 = 3761 Law = minus 1500 = 2261 Abraham = minus 500 = 1761 Year “0” – do not eat From “0” to 2261 – Law? Romans 5: 13-14

27 Original sin > death was there sin before the Law?
Romans 5: Romans 1: 18-20 Romans 2: 12-16

28 One man > sin > death One Man > obedience > life
Romans 5: 15-21 The gift & the trespass

29 More sin = More grace? Romans 6: 1-2 What are you thinking??!!

30 United in death United in life
Romans 6: 3-14 with Him

31 United in death United in life
Romans 6: 2-14 Dead with Him Dead, dead dead

32 United in death United in life
Romans 6: 2-14 Alive with Him Life, life, life

33 I am a slave to… Romans 6: 14-23 Romans 7: 1-6

34 Thou shalt not… Have other gods, make idols, use God’s name in vain, commit murder or adultery, steal, lie or covet

35 Keep the Sabbath, honor your father & mother
Thou shalt … Keep the Sabbath, honor your father & mother

36 Remember the Sabbath, Keep it holy Do no work Rest
Thou shalt … Remember the Sabbath, Keep it holy Do no work Rest

37 Do and do, do and do… rule on rule, rule on rule
Isaiah 28: 13

38 Romans 6: 17-18 Romans 6: 22-23 Romans 7: 4-6
Thanks be to God! Romans 6: 17-18 Romans 6: 22-23 Romans 7: 4-6

39 Is the Law sin? NO!! Romans 7: 7-13

40 Is that which is good become death? NO!!
Romans 7: 7-13 James 1: 13-18

41 Spiritual law Unspiritual man the battleground
Romans 7: 14-24

42 O wretched man that I am Romans 7: 24-25 Who will rescue me?

43 Death in the body Life in the Spirit
Romans 8: 1-15

44 The Spirit of God lives in you
no condemnation freedom righteousness live by the Spirit life, peace dead body, alive spirit life to mortal bodies death to misdeeds Romans 8: 1-15 The Spirit of God lives in you

45 The Spirit of God does not live in you
Condemned Powerless, weakened law death desires of nature hostile to God no submission cannot submit cannot please God not Christ’s Romans 8: 1-15 The Spirit of God does not live in you

46 Living as the Spirit desires = life Living as the sinful nature desires = death
Romans 8: 5-8 Death, hostile to God, does not submit, cannot submit, cannot please God

47 Controlled by the Spirit Spirit lives in you you belong to Christ
Romans 8: 9-11 Your spirit is alive to righteousness Life to your mortal bodies

48 Put to death the misdeeds of the body and live
Romans 8: 12-15 Led by the Spirit = sons of God

49 Heirs of God Co-heirs with Christ
ABBA! Father! Romans 8: 15-18 Colossians 1: 15-20 Matthew 28: 18

50 Share in His sufferings Share in His glory
Romans 8: 17-18 Philippians 3: 10

51 All creation groans, …and waits
Romans 8: 19-27 “Cursed is the ground because of you…”

52 All creation groans, …and waits We groan, …and wait
Romans 8: 19-27 We groan inwardly

53 The Spirit groans, intercedes
Romans 8: 26-27 In accordance with God’s will

54 In ALL (?) things… Romans 8: 28 God works for the good

55 In ALL things… Romans 8: 28 God works for the good…
- Of those who love Him - Who have been called

56 CALLED Romans 8: 28 eternal life fellowship suffering hope freedom
holy CALLED Romans 8: 28 apostle peace saints belong to Christ

57 Predestined Romans 8: 29-30 Predestined, called, justified, glorified

58 How do we respond to this magnificent truth?
Romans 8: 31 If God is for us, who can possibly be against us?

59 How do we respond to this magnificent truth?
Romans 8: 31-39 NOTHING can separate us from His love, because it is in Christ Jesus

60 Our identity in Christ Romans 3-8 called justified secure
slaves to righteousness suffering hope glorified dead to sin Our identity in Christ Romans 3-8 crucified Holy Spirit raised to life rescued not condemned co-heirs adopted

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