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Rebuilding a Nation From the Death of a leader and the Civil War

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1 Rebuilding a Nation From the Death of a leader and the Civil War

2 Basic Timeline of Reconstruction
1871 1872 After Lincoln was assassinated, during the first two years of Congressional Reconstruction congress passed the 13th and 14th amendments and the first, second and third Reconstruction acts. In these Three years The 14th Amendment is ratified, Grant is elected President and The 15th amendment is Ratified Forty-second congress, five black members in attendance of the House of Representatives Freedman’s Bureau abolished and Grant is Re-elected (Grant was inaugurated in 1873) Forty-third congress, six black members in the House. The last federal troops leave South Carolina effectively ending the federal presence in the South

3 Lincoln’s Assassination

4 Before Ford Theater Abraham Lincoln was going to watch Our American Cousin, a comedy on Good Friday April 14, 1865 with General Ulysses S. Grant General grant decided not to go because Julia Grant hated Mary Todd Lincoln Grant instead went to New Jersey see his son Instead of Grant, Abraham Lincoln took Major Henry R. Rathbone instead

5 What Happened at The Ford Theater
A 10:15 Pm John Wilkes Booth crept his way into Abraham Lincoln’s Booth And fired one shot three inches behind Lincolns ear and into his skull Booth jumped of the booth onto the stage and yelled at the audience saying “Sic Semper Tyrannis” ( Thus always to Tyrants) Virginia’s state quote. The jump off the booth Broke Booth’s leg slowing him down Immediately a John Wilkes Booth Escaped by horse and found Samuel Mudd who helped him with his leg. Lincoln Died at 7:12 AM on April 15, 1865

6 Booth’s route

7 The Seward Situation The same night as the shooting Secretary of State William H. Seward was stabbed Booths henchmen Lewis Powell was another blow to the republicans Seward was currently injured with a broken jaw and had a metal splint in his mouth Lewis Powell said he was delivering medicine for Seward Lewis Powell made his way up to Sewards Bedroom On his way up Powell stabbed Sewards nurse and Son Seward was stabbed three times in the throat and twice in the face It is believed that he was saved by his metal splint Seward quickly returned to his post with Andrew Johnson, Seward’s face permanently distorted


9 The Public’s Reaction to Lincoln’s Death
When Abraham Lincoln died many northerners mourned his loss and believed he was a martyr The Free black men and the newly freed men also mourned his loss because they believed that without him the process of reconstruction would be derailed.

10 Questions Are they any questions on: Where Lincoln was killed
Who killed Lincoln and who helped Booth kill him What the public’s reaction to Lincoln’s death was

11 Getting the 13th amendment passed
After Lincoln had been reelected the matter of abolishing slavery took a turn. Lincoln firmly believed that slavery was morally wrong and that it should be abolished in America.Congress was still debating weather to pass the amendment. Once the controversy began to arise lincoln defended his ideas by arguing that the war was undermining the south's morale and once slavery is abolished the civil war will end. This changed America's perception of the war gearing it now to a place of god vs slavery. This argument allowed the amendment to be passed by the congress and easily passed by the senate but the house did not pass the act. After this lincoln took an active role in ensuring that slavery is abolished. Lincoln insisted that the matter be added to the presidential platform for future elections. Lincoln's efforts were successful when he the house passed the bill just barely making the ⅔ vote with 119 to 56 votes on january 31, 1865.

12 The Thirteenth Amendment
The amendment that abolished slavery No slavery or involuntary servitude shall exist accept as punishment for a crime. Passed on January 31, 1865 Ratified on December 6, 1865 The Thirteenth amendment also leads into the 14th, because it freed blacks and the 14th made them citizens. * The amendment that abolished slavery * No slavery or involuntary servitude shall exist accept as punishment for a crime *

13 The Civil Rights Act Passed by congress on March 13, 1866
The act stated that everyone born in the United States had equal rights as a citizen, except Native Americans and women. This Act was vetoed by president Andrew Johnson because he was under pressure from important individuals. Such as, Francis P. Blair Sr. Ohio Governor Jacob Cox urged Andrew Johnson to sign the bill.

14 The Birth of The 14th Amendment
After the rejection of the Civil Rights act, congress could have overthrown the veto with two thirds of congress. Instead congress used that two thirds of congress to pass the 14th amendment The reasons for passing the 14th amendment was to establish ground rules for Reconstruction. A future congress might have overthrown the civil rights act.

15 The 14th amendment: Section One
All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws Any person born in America besides native americans are considered citizens. All citizens will be given equal protection such as laws, property, contract rights, etc. not sure if this is what we should say for this. maybe you should put your translation into these slides

16 14th Amendment section: Two
Representatives shall be apportioned among the several States according to their respective numbers, counting the whole number of persons in each State, excluding Indians not taxed. But when the right to vote at any election for the choice of electors for President and Vice-President of the United States, Representatives in Congress, the Executive and Judicial officers of a State, or the members of the Legislature thereof, is denied to any of the male inhabitants of such State, being twenty-one years of age, and citizens of the United States, or in any way abridged, except for participation in rebellion, or other crime, the basis of representation therein shall be reduced in the proportion which the number of such male citizens shall bear to the whole number of male citizens twenty-one years of age in such State. Freed slaves were now counted as a full person and will be counted towards the state's population and that states number of representatives. But any male citizen over age twenty one denied the right the vote (black men) their state will have less representatives. The representatives will be proportioned based on the amount of eligible voters.

17 14th Amendment section: three
No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice-President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any State, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. But Congress may by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability. Any person who vowed to support the confederacy, and fought against the union for the confederacy will not be able to be in any of the underlined government positions. This can be changed if they get a two-thirds vote from each house.

18 14th Amendment section: 4 The validity of the public debt of the United States, authorized by law, including debts incurred for payment of pensions and bounties for services in suppressing insurrection or rebellion, shall not be questioned. But neither the United States nor any State shall assume or pay any debt or obligation incurred in aid of insurrection or rebellion against the United States, or any claim for the loss or emancipation of any slave; but all such debts, obligations and claims shall be held illegal and void. Any debt owed to the confederacy during the war will not be paid, and all claims or obligations to be repaid are illegal. Debts owed to America will be acknowledged and paid back

19 14th amendment section 5: The congress can directly enforce these laws
The Congress shall have the power to enforce, by appropriate legislation, the provisions of this article. The congress can directly enforce these laws

20 The 15th Amendment Even though blacks now had civil rights and were considered citizen, the fourteenth amendment didn’t include the right for blacks to vote. The fifteenth amendment was passed in February 26th, 1869 and was ratified in 1870 The fifteenth amendment gave black men the right to vote giving them a say in the government. This amendment was still sexist and did not give women of any race the same rights.

21 Questions Are there any questions on:
The 13th, 14th or 15th amendments Or the birth of the 13th,14th or 15th amendments

22 Abraham Lincoln’s plan for Reconstruction
In Lincoln’s last public address he pleaded to the congressional republicans to not destroy Louisiana’s government and leave it as it is. For the postwar era Lincoln was determined to bring both political and economic advancement to the blacks. Contrary to section four of the 14th amendment Lincoln was interested in compensating the Confederate slaveholders for the loss of slaves Lincoln’s dream for Reconstruction was prosperity for all, especially in the war ravaged South. Lincoln thought that the southerner whites and blacks would learn to work together and achieve prosperity and the American dream for everybody in the Union.

23 Freed Slaves After The Thirteenth Amendment
For the first time slaves transformed from being thought of as property to more being thought of as people, but they were not yet citizens. Many slaves did not have equal opportunities for jobs because of their lack of education. Although blacks had new found freedom Douglass quotes "slavery is not abolished until the black man has the ballot"

24 Education during Reconstruction
As soon as African Americans were freed from slavery many of them wanted to have an education so they could have productive lives. The Freedman’s Bureau advocated for schools to be set up in the South. By 1869 Northern charity organizations had set up almost 3,000 schools serving about 150,000 black students. This school system was the basis for the modern public school system in the South today.

25 The Reconstruction Acts
The First Reconstruction act, passed March 2, 1867 split the South into five military districts that were controlled by “military governors”, commanders who could deploy the Union army to protect black citizens and their property. The second Reconstruction act, passed March 23, 1867 supplemented the first Reconstruction act by saying that the military governor of each territory regulated the elections held in their territories and the voters. The third Reconstruction act, passed July 19, 1867 gave the commanders of the military controlled territories in the South supreme power to remove any elected official from office if they felt that the official were impeding the progress of reconstruction. The fourth Reconstruction act, passed February 27, 1868 forced seven former Confederate States to finally create new governments, write new constitutions and ratify the 14th amendment. These acts being passed prompted Southern outrage in the form of the Ku Klux Klan, black codes, and later on the Ku Klux Klan

26 Memphis race riot On May 1-2, 1866 rioting broke out on the streets of Memphis forty-six blacks and two whites were found dead with thousands of African American churches and homes burned to the ground This all started when a regiment of black Union soldiers were stationed outside the city and were competing for jobs with the Irish population a fight broke out and eventually evolved into a giant riot all over the city with African Americans being beaten up and shot in cold blood.

27 New Orleans Race Riot The riot happened on July 30, 1866
The riot happened because the radical republicans of Louisiana reconvened the constitutional convention of 1864 (which abolished slavery in Louisiana) in New Orleans The 25 white delegates were angry that blacks had not yet been given the right to vote and that black codes were being enacted in Mississippi More than 200 black supporters showed up to support the white delegates Ex-confederate soldiers and New Orleans police fearful that Louisiana would fall out of white control attacked the gathering 100 people were injured, 34 blacks and three white radicals were killed

28 The Enforcement acts A main part of Reconstruction were the Enforcement acts. There were three Enforcement acts These enforcement acts were used to give make it easier for blacks to vote and give the federal government more power to help blacks vote

29 First Enforcement Act This act was passed on May 31, 1870
This act was put into place to protect the rights of black voters Although most people who saw a violation of this act were unwilling to testify Because of this further legislation was soon necessary

30 Second Enforcement Act
This act was passed on April 20, 1871 This act was known as the Ku Klux Klan act This act was put into effect to help combat against the Ku Klux Klan’s attempts to disrupt black voting

31 Third Enforcement Act:
Gives the president power to use federal forces to enforce the law. Strengthen sanctions against those who impeded black suffrage intended to give the federal government extra power to protect black voters

32 The Freedman’s Bureau The Freedman’s Bureau provided assistance to the nearly four million freed slaves and whites in poverty. The war destroyed many towns, regions, and plantations were much of the south’s economy was based. The war left many freed slaves and whites left homeless facing starvation and lacking resources. The Bureau was established in 1865 it tied into reconstruction by helping the newly freed slaves reach full citizenship

33 Black Codes The Black Codes were a set of laws that Southern state governments put into place to limit the civil and political freedoms of African Americans. The black codes were put into place because of how lenient president Andrew Johnson made the Reconstruction plan towards the South This favor towards the South eventually led to Johnson being impeached

34 Andrew Johnson President from 1865-1869
President during the beginning of Reconstruction Lincoln chose Andrew Johnson as his running-mate because he was a hero to the North because when Tennessee seceded he stayed with the Union. When the North got Tennesse back from the Confederacy, Lincoln elected Johnson as the military governor. The Radicals started to hate Johnson because he let the pre-war leaders stay in power and let the southern states have the same laws about beating black people While Johnson was president he guided Reconstruction and rebuilt the southern states(I.E. Atlanta) The Radicals created laws restricting Johnson Johnson broke one of these rules and went under trial for impeachment Johnson was impeached on february 24, 1868

35 Ulysses S. Grant

36 Ulysses S. Grant Information
President from President during the middle and the end of Reconstruction Quarreled with Andrew Johnson while he was president and aligned himself with the Radical Republicans. Military hero from the civil war While President, Grant gave Government jobs to people in the army

37 Questions Are there any questions on:
The presidents during Reconstruction The Freedman’s Bureau The enforcement acts The Reconstruction acts Black codes Or the race riots

38 Radical Republicanism
Radical republicanism was a sect of the republican party that wanted to abolish slavery and establish equality with both races through radical measures. During Reconstruction the radical republicans wanted to use repressive measures against the South. Main supporters of Reconstruction They believed the right to vote should be extended to all men regardless of race or previous servitude. in the Republicans split into two groups, the radicals and the conservatives. The conservatives believed in recognizing local and state laws, or all non-civil war laws. The radicals believed that those laws were unimportant and wrong. The radicals wanted to give blacks the right to vote and more education possibilities. The radicals had an abstract idea of equality but had never actually seen equality in action.

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