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The Counter Reformation 1530s-1648

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1 The Counter Reformation 1530s-1648
The Catholic Church’s Response to the Protestant Reformation

2 The Counter Reformation - NOTES
The Church had three tactics: 1. Reform the Church from Within Council of Trent, 1545 3. Attract New Worshippers by overwhelming them with theatrical art & architecture, drawing them in with emotional power. 2. Stop the Spread of Protestantism Water Torture during the Inquisition

3 1. Reform Within the Church - NOTES
The Council of Trent ( ) –meetings to discuss reform & define dogma (official teachings) Many teachings were not changed, & were instead reinforced; the ideas of the Protestants were rejected Some areas were actually reformed education of priests Improved discipline and administration Indulgences were banned

4 2. Stopping the Spread of Protestantism - NOTES

5 2. Stopping the Spread of Protestantism - NOTES
The Society of Jesus: The Jesuits A religious group founded by Ignatius Loyola in 1540 Promoted education – schools & universities (Gonzaga) Famous for missionary work

6 2. Stopping the Spread of Protestantism
The Inquisition Why? To discover heretics (mostly Jews and Muslims, but also Protestants), reinforce Catholic doctrine, and prove the power of the Church When? 1400s-1800s Where? Mostly Spain and Italy It was most notorious in Spain (These places were strongholds of Catholicism) How? The accused were put on trial and were guilty until proven innocent… Torture was used to elicit confessions

7 2. Stopping the Spread of Protestantism
Index (List) of Banned Books Created in 1559 by the Pope Purpose was to ensure books were morally correct Banned both Protestant literature and texts by some intellectuals, like Erasmus Click on this link to see the list:

8 3. Attracting New Worshippers
Called Baroque Art Began in Rome around 1600 Catholic Popes financed magnificent new cathedrals and grand works to display the faith’s triumphant Counter Reformation. Movement, light, and emotion characterized painting, sculpture, and architecture, particularly religious architecture.

9 Caravaggio: David with the Head of Goliath, 1609-1610 oil/canvas, Galleria Borghese, Rome
Sophisticated use of chiaroscuro & increased theatricality. Goliath’s head is a self-portrait.

10 Bernini: David, 1623-24, Marble, Galleria Borghese, Rome


12 Bernini: The Ecstasy of St
Bernini: The Ecstasy of St. Theresa, , Marble, Santa Maria della Vitoria, Rome Using theatrical stage craft, Bernini was able to induce an intense religious experience in worshippers by creating not only the statue but the chapel and all the decorations that surround it.


14 Bernini’s Piazza of St. Peter’s, 1656-57
The Plaza was designed to imitate two arms reaching out from St. Peters to embrace the the pilgrims visiting the Vatican.


16 Was the Counter-Reformation a success?
The Church did not win back many of the “lost souls” that had converted to Protestantism… But, it did win back many lapsed Catholics, shed its reputation for corruption and it spread widely through missionary work.

17 Europe in 1555

18 Based on the divisions on the preceding map, can you predict what will happen in Europe next?
Massive bloodshed and warfare as members of the different religions battle with each other.

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