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The Cold War superpowers

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1 The Cold War superpowers
Learning Outcomes Recap learning from the previous lesson Compare the two superpowers of the Cold War Evaluate communism and capitalism

2 What can we remember? How can we define a superpower?
What criteria can we use to classify a superpower? What is imperialism? What is colonialism? What is colonisation?

3 The Cold War Today the world is uni-polar but this has not always been the case During the Cold War era, , it was bi-polar The two superpowers acted in very different ways

4 The Cold War The USA followed a policy which globalised its sphere of influence In the USA, this was referred to as containment, as it sought to contain the influence of the USSR The USSR created a strong core by invading or allying itself with its surrounding countries

5 What can you remember about these approaches?
In pairs you must write down everything you can remember about capitalism and communism Try to apply it your knowledge to the following question Using examples, evaluate the various political approaches to becoming a superpower. (15)

6 Communism v Capitalism

7 Activity A new country called Rachistan has been constructed in the wake of the cold war The UN are holding a meeting to discuss whether the new country should be under capitalism or communist rule You will be split into two teams, one capitalist, one communist COMMUNISTS CAPITALISTS Luke Emma Sophie Harriet Evie Sarah Libby Pete

8 Your Task In your teams you must present your case… why should Rachistan follow your political system? You should give evidence on: The theory- what is it why is it valuable? Give examples of where your political ideal has been successful What are the limitations of that ideal and how do you think they can be overcome in Rachistan Include information on aspects such as freedom of speech, the economy

9 The Result You will come back in your group and present your ideas, make your presentation innovative and attention grabbing You will then have to answer questions put to you by the opposing group We will vote as to whether Rachistan should be under Capitalist or Communist rule.

10 What can you now add? Using everything we have discussed in today’s lesson can you add anything to your original notes Try to apply it your knowledge to the following question Using examples, evaluate the various political approaches to becoming a superpower. (15)

11 Peer Assessment Swap your answer with a partner
Read through the answer, initially looking at the structure, spelling, grammar, etc Now reread the answer looking at the geography aspect WWW (what went well) EBI (even better if)

12 Final Judgement You should now have a clearer view on the positives and negatives of communism and capitalism What do you suggest for Rachistan Be prepared to justify your opinion

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