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The Enlightenment It is a foundation of American Democracy

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1 The Enlightenment It is a foundation of American Democracy


3 The people of the Scientific and Enlightenment Revolution challenged the way people thought
It became the AGE OF REASON By using the Scientific method of observation and reason, the Enlightenment philosophers hoped to figure our ways to improve the conditions of people. The biggest idea change? Men are born free and equal and gov’t ought to reflect that

4 Age of Reason or The Enlightenment

5 Before the Enlightenment (in the dark ages when they threw the dead bodies in the drinking water) people’s rights were very limited and selective. They were special privileges enjoyed by certain groups of people.





10 Calas, falsely convicted of having killed his son to prevent him from converting to Catholicism, was tortured by the Catholic authorities in hopes he would confess he was subjected to the question ordinaire: his arms and legs were stretched until they were pulled from their sockets. When he did not confess (his son committed suicide) he was subjected to the question extraordinaire: fifteen pints of water poured down his throat. Calas continued to claim innocence. 15 more pints added, swelling his body to twice normal size Executioner then broke each of his limbs in two places and finally strangled him to death. His corpse was burned at the stake.

11 Every man is guilty of all the good he didn’t do.
Though it might seem easy, today, to criticize such a passionate emphasis on reason, remember that Voltaire's society tortured people who went against the accepted norm. WOULD YOU BE WILLING TO PAY THAT PRICE TO CHANGE SOCIETY IN WAYS YOU DEEM NECESSARY? Every man is guilty of all the good he didn’t do. God is a comedian playing to an audience too afraid to laugh. If God did not exist, it would be necessary to invent him. It is dangerous to be right when the government is wrong. Love truth and pardon error. I may not agree with what you say but I will defend to my death your right to say it. e.

12 This is the foundation world of our founding fathers...
and these are the philosophers who so profoundly influenced what would become our “little social experiment” known as the United States of America

13 Hobbes’ world is one of religious wars (1/2 million dead) - man and life is nasty, brutal, society is not safe

14 The idea that there is a contract between the rulers and the people will hold…
Can you see how this will change the way people think?







21 John Locke Locke’s political philosophy is called the natural rights philosophy Why? natural rights philosophy is based on what the world world would look like if there were no gov’t. philosophers called this imaginary state of govt’t a state of nature - not that people are living in wilderness but a condition where there is no gov’t



24 And a few more....



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