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The Characteristics of Fascism

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1 The Characteristics of Fascism
The Cult of State

2 Mussolini and the Corporate State

3 Basic Philosophy A right-wing ideology but based in socialist ideas of state economy (corporatism) It celebrates the nation or the race as an organic community transcending all other loyalties. Powerful and continuing nationalism Constant use of patriotic mottos, slogans, symbols, songs. Flags are seen everywhere. History becomes a tool! It uses organized violence to suppress opposition. Glorification of force. Accepts the tenets of Social Darwinism.

4 Social Implications of Fascism
Almost exclusively male-dominated. Divorce, abortion & homosexuality are suppressed. The state is represented as the ultimate guardian of the family institution. Scapegoats Disdain for liberalism and academics The position of religion?

5 Rise to Power Adolf Hitler

6 INTRODUCTION How did this little boy on the left become the man on the right being ultimately responsible for the death of millions of people all over the world!!

7 Psycho-analysis Alois Schickelgruber Hitler was a customs official who was illegitimate by birth. His father, Adolf’s grandfather, may have been Jewish. Klara Hitler was very young when she married the older Alois. She died of breast cancer when Adolf was 18 years old.

8 Years in Vienna After his mother died, Adolf (now 18) decided to move to Austria to pursue his dream of becoming a great artist. Again he failed to gain entrance into the Academy He eventually sold all his possessions and became a homeless drifter who slept on park benches and ate at soup kitchens throughout Vienna (age 19)

9 signature

10 signature

11 Vienna -Importance Influenced by the anti-Semitic mayor of Vienna, Karl Lueger Became interested in the idea of German nationalism. Also received first taste of politics

12 World War I Excited to fight for Germany.
Found a home fighting for the Fatherland. Highest rank held was corporal. Was a regimental messenger, not an easy job at all.

13 German “Revolutions” [1918]

14 Hyper-inflation

15 The origins of Hitler’s
Political Power

16 From the German Point of View
 Lost—but not forgotten country. Attracting Supporters Into the heart You are to dig yourself these words as into stone: Which we have lost may not be truly lost!

17 The Importance of WW I & Veterans

18 Appeal to the Masses

19 The Hitler Youth

20 NAZI Party is Formed Hitler began to think big for the German Worker’s Party Began placing ads for meetings in anti-Semitic newspapers Hitler changed the name to National Socialist German Worker’s Party or the NAZIS


22 Mein Kampf Hitler’s book “My Struggle” - wrote while in jail
Sold 5 million copies, made him rich! Topics included: -Jews were evil, -Germans were superior race, -“Fuhrer principal,” dislike of Communism and Democracy and need to conquer Russia

23 Party Platform Hitler drafted a platform of 25 points
Revoke Versailles Treaty Revoke civil rights of Jews Confiscate any war profits Besides changing the party name, the red flag with the SWASTIKA was adopted as the party symbol


25 German Election Results in 1933
While the NAZI party was once a joke, by 1933 that Had changed!

26 Legal Rise to Power Used popularity from failed revolution and book to seize power legally Spoke to mass audiences about making Germany a great nation again Nazi Party: 1930 = 18% of vote 1932 = 30% of vote Hitler becomes Chancellor in 1933

27 Strong Arm Tactics The “Brownshirts” or SA (Storm troopers)
SA was used to put down opposition parties Threatened and beat up Jews and anti-Nazi voters Numbered almost 400,000 by 1932

28 Dictator “Reichstag fire” gives Hitler total power (Article 48) Enabling Act In 1933, all parties were outlawed except the Nazi party People’s civil rights were suspended “Night of the Long Knives”

29 Absolute Power German economy was improving, people were happy
Hitler had no real political opposition 1st concentration camp opened in 1933 Began rearming German Army for expansion of the Reich Why did the former allies allow this????

30 Krystallnacht: 1938 The Final Solution

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