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Imperial Germany 1871 – 1914 Deutsches Kaiserreich

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1 Imperial Germany 1871 – 1914 Deutsches Kaiserreich

2 Why was Germany unified?

3 Who was Otto von Bismarck?

4 Why did the unified Germany not include Austria?

5 How was Bismarck´s Germany ruled?
mixture of modernism and traditional Prussian monarchy 22 states and 3 Hansacities formed The Council all adult men voted for deputies to a Reichstag Chancellor was both prime minister and minister for foreign affairs Kaiser – had the right to appoint ministers and higher officers

6 German historians have defined Bismarck´s way of ruling Germany as negative integration.
The term is complicated, but it refers to how a technique constantly was used to exclude certain groups from the societey. Examples are Catholics (Kulturkampf 1871 – 78), People from Alsace and Lorraine and Socialists (Socialist Laws 1878). Bismarck´s introduction of wellfare reforms could also be seen from different perspectives.

7 Bismarck´s system of Alliances
The roots can be found in a memorandum from July 1877. The strategy was to direct all conflicts towards the European periphery, and have the Greatpowers (France excluded) bound in a system of agreements controled by Germany. The Russo-Turkish war of gave Bismarck a golden chance to act like a mediator and peacemaker. The Congress of Berlin 1878 dealt with the situation on the Balkans, but not everybody were satisfied with the outcome.

8 The Congress of Berlin Britain gained Cyprus from the Ottoman Empire.
Austria-Hungary got the right to administrate Bosnia and Herzegovina. Serbia, Montenegro and Bulgaria gained new territories, but less then they had hoped for. Russia was disappointed and felt a lack of support from Germany. An attempt from Bismarck to bind Great Britain in an agreement failed. 1879: Dual-Alliance 1881: The Dreikaiserbund 1882: The Triple Alliance 1887:The Russo-German Reinsurance Treaty

9 Wilhelm II; grasp for worldpower

10 Wilhelm crowned in 1888. Bismarck dismissed 1890, few missed him. The new Kaiser declared that he would be a Kaiser forall people in Germany and that he would ensure Germany her rightful place in the sun. The Anti socialist laws were not renewed, which gave hope of constitutional reforms. The Dual Alliance was strengthened and the Reensurance Treaty with Russia was not renewed. The German colonial policy was intensified and an alliance with Great Britain (which failed) should ensure Germany peace. From 1894 Germany saw a stable economic growth.

11 Foreign policy Key focus of Wilhelm II was the construction of an imperial navy, that should protect German commerce. German interests in Asia was given more priority. How did Germany and Wilhelm II respond to the rising conflicts in Europe?

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