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Background Info to the Great War

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1 Background Info to the Great War 1870 - 1914
World War I Background Info to the Great War

2 German Unification As recently as 1870, Germany did not yet exist
The area that was to become Germany was a grouping of separate German states (Prussia, Bavaria, etc.) Prussia was the largest and it was Prussia that would lead them all to unification


4 Otto von Bismarck Chancellor of Prussia Architect of unification

5 Franco - Prussian War Finalized German unification and humiliated the French who were crushed Germans dictated peace terms to the French at Versailles in the Hall of Mirrors in 1871





10 Alliance System Otto von Bismarck was responsible for a system of alliances to protect German power and growth It was also designed to isolate and weaken France

11 Triple Alliance Triple Entente

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