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The Red Scare Communists… COMMUNISTS EVERYWHERE!!!!

2 1951 Federal Pamphlet What is communism: What do communists want?
A system by which one small group seeks to rule the world What do communists want? To rule your mind and your body from cradle to grave Where can communists be found in everyday life? Look for him in your school, labor union, church, or your civic club

3 Communists come under suspicion at home
Some US communists practiced subversion (plots to overthrow the government Truman required all government employers to take loyalty oaths Resulted in 5 million investigations, hundreds loosing their jobs for being potentially disloyal, and several thousand forced to resign

4 The HUAC is on the hunt House Un-American Activities Committee
Called on writers, actors, and directors to testify 10 witnesses refused to answer their questions, called the Hollywood 10, pleaded the 5th After them… Hollywood refused to hire any communists sympathizers, to carry out the pledge, they created the blacklist Of course, this spread to Labor Unions as well and then the Supreme Court smacked down Congress

5 Walt Disney testifying at the HUAC

6 Spy Cases raise new Fears
Klaus Fuchs confessed he spied for the Soviet Union while working on the Manhattan Project Through him, they found Ethel and Juilius Rosenberg whom the US charged with passing secrets… led to the Rosenberg Trial and their eventual deaths This… led to the rise of Joseph McCarthy

7 Joseph McCarthy With his famed list of 205 names, launched his investigations Because of this, the Republicans won the Senate in 1952 and he moved up For the next two years, he questioned everyone, and while didn’t find anyone guilty, some were in public opinion and still fired This because known as the age of McCarthyism, publically calling out someone with no evidence to back it up

8 More on McCarthy Any Reforms that could be considered communist were not put in place No one spoke out about injustices Then he went to far in 1954 and attacked both the President Dwight D. Eisenhower and the Army saying they were soft on communism This led to a publically televised event of the Army vs. McCarthy, and he was exposed This led to him being censured and fell from the public

9 The Televised Event

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